preventing rocks from falling on lizards

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I am redoing my ackie enclosures and I am putting in deeper substrate for burrowing during the breeding season, but I am worried about them burrowing under the rocks and squashing them. Is there any methods people have used to prevent this from happening? I was thinking of a shelf to place to rocks on to support the weight, but this would be fiddly. Any suggestions welcome.
With my snakes I use small stilts cut from wood dowel and glued to the bottom for the tiles that they use to bask under the heat lamps. This means the tiles sit just above the substrate and the snakes can burrow under the tiles as they wish without tiles coming down on top of them
Or you can build up from the base of the enclosure then put in the substrate, that way any excavation doesn't effect the rocks because they arent resting on it.
Yeah the cement would be a good idea. Thinking of making a background so I could implement some sort of base under the rocks when I do that. Thanks for the advice :) nice to have a couple ideaa to work on, as it's for a couple of enclosures, not just one
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