Roughie Not Eating

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Active Member
Jul 21, 2011
Reaction score
Sunshine Coast
I got a baby rough scaled python about 4 weeks ago and he still hasn't eaten anything. I have tried every week so far to no avail. Before I got him he was eating mice and I have been offering him mice he's just not interested. He is a very very docile snake as well
Any help would be appreciated
two of my roughies have stopped taking food when we had that cold snap a month or so ago now. But if its only young I would imagine he should still be eating have you made sure your temps are right? Otherwise maybe he's still stressed from the move? Not sure.
Doubt it would still be stressed after 4 weeks. Of course that depends how it's been treated during that time.

Probably more to do with temps and the cold snap though.

How are you heating up the food item? Sometimes I have to re-hrat mine a few times before they are taken.

I'd also double check your temps. Just to make sure that they are right.

Good luck.
Does he even seem interested in it ? Maybe coming up for a shed ?
I all but gave up on a bredli once that had to be force fed. Then one day I dont know why but I scented a pinkie with a sardine since skinks and quails wouldnt work either did starving and cooling to try restart metabolism (I dont recommend this) and I read scenting with fish might..... and it did! ;)
It could be worth a try if braining and other methods dont work for you.
Roughies can be a bit tricky to get feeding initially, that's why I don't sell them until they are yearlings - to ensure the purchaser has no problems. Once they get feeding however, they are pigs. At the age your snake is, it needs to continue eating (IMO). I always keep them warm for the first year and feed them regularly. Are you sure the snake was established before you purchased? Have you tried rats? I start mine with pinky rats as hatchlings and move up from there.

Try feeding late at night, ensuring the prey item is warm. Try moving the rat/mouse near the snakes head to get its attention. Gently - and I mean gently, give the snake a bit of a nudge with the mouse/rat if it doesn't take it straight away. Try this a couple of times and if this does not work, leave the mouse/rat in the enclosure over night. Covering the enclosure to ensure privacy might help.

Good luck.
How are you housing it, Multiple ppl have told me that roughies will eat from the "branch" so you should have the air heated for a hatchy and obvioulsy something good to perch on. If it was eating before you got it, then it will eat for you and you shouldnt have to scent
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