skin torn off

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i would be taking it to a vet straight away even if its a long drive it looks pretty bad and needs to be treated..
i would be taking it to a vet straight away even if its a long drive it looks pretty bad and needs to be treated..

i cant do anything until tommorow anyway, and im still undecided as to what to do because if its stitched up anything can get in there and become infected whereas if its left open it be cleaned regularly and the skin would grow back across. it looks alot worse then it is ithink. she still crawls on it.
I doubt it would be stitched anyway, it would most likely be glued. DO NOT TRY THIS YOURSELF.

If you can take a photo of the snake, why not take one of the enclosure so fresh eyes can have a look at possible causes. Can you at least ring a reptile vet and ask for advice?
That definetly needs treatment. I would go over the cage and find what actually caused this to happen and fix the problem before leaving it unattended.
I doubt it would be stitched anyway, it would most likely be glued. DO NOT TRY THIS YOURSELF.

If you can take a photo of the snake, why not take one of the enclosure so fresh eyes can have a look at possible causes. Can you at least ring a reptile vet and ask for advice?

because taking a photo was the last thing on my mind at the time and i dont know any reptile vets up here as i previously stated, and this would be the first time i would need to contact one.
Possibly she bit herself? if you're sure it's clean you could put the flap back on her undersidre and use a light stick medical tape to keep it there until you can get to a vet? she'd deff need anti biotics but try anything you can!
that needs vet immediately. like not tomorrow morning, now. leaving that overnight will mean the skin dries out and dies, snake will follow soon after.
That definetly needs treatment. I would go over the cage and find what actually caused this to happen and fix the problem before leaving it unattended.

i have been through it a couple of times and so has my dad, all we can think of is that she tried to squeeze out
I had a Spotted that had a similar wound but I know how it happened. She got out & my cat had a go at her! Happened late in the evening. I put her in a small click clack kept her warm overnight, didn't expect her to still be alive in the morning. Took her straight to the vet the next day, not a herp specialist but they got help to treat her. She needed stitches & she was very lucky not to pop a lung. As they have 2 long lungs running down either side the wound was about a mill from it. She needed course of antibiotics which she had morning & night. Some of the skin did die but after about half a dozen sheds she was left with a small scar. Do what you can to get her to a vet, they will consult with others to treat her, don't leave her to heal herself because she won't she needs treatment. Do the best you can.
Sorry, I meant, why don't you go and take one now so we can have a look, wasn't having a go at you. Also just trying to offer advice as I know how hard it is to get to a vet sometimes, but you could try calling and asking to speak to the vet - they often have after hours numbers for emergencies. There is a thread on reptile vets on here somewhere too, hopefully there is one nearby that you could call.
Sounds like your lid is to loose then. It might need some extra clamps
A quick look at wiki reveals a vet in Townsville

Dr Mike Goulet
Bayside Vet Clinic
34 Primrose Street
Belgian Gardens, QLD 4810
Tel: 07 4772 1513
Silverzine cream will help as its an antibiotic - antiseptic cream used for burns. This is safe for reptiles. Will also keep moist till you get to a vet. Good luck hope she is ok
Jeeesus..poor thing

Id at least call that vet and get some advice, then get the snake there asap.
that's a serious injury. any vet will be able to helpsomething is better than nothing at all.
But i would not be waiting for tomorrow to do something about it..
if your still reading this instead of on your way to treatment.. stop dicking around..
It doesnt need to go to a herp vet...any vet will be able to help at the moment. Get it to any vet possible.
Silverzine cream will help as its an antibiotic - antiseptic cream used for burns. This is safe for reptiles. Will also keep moist till you get to a vet. Good luck hope she is ok

Silvazine Cream is brilliant - unfortunately you need a prescription for it in Queensland.
Is this just a gee up or what? It all sounds suss to me.
Testing out the new "herp help rule" trying to get a few infractions passed out perhaps?

i have been through it a couple of times and so has my dad, all we can think of is that she tried to squeeze out
Hmmm if thats the case buddy hand in your licence aye. If you can't be bothered to fix a serious problem like that after the first time your pet has health issues then you shouldn't be keeping them IMO. Find the source and remove it.

If you can take a photo of the snake, why not take one of the enclosure so fresh eyes can have a look at possible causes. Can you at least ring a reptile vet and ask for advice?
Agreed 100%
Get a pic of the enclosure up for us please, it will help immensely in finding a solution to your regular problem.

Take the advice given all throughout this thread.
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Yea if I was you mate as soon as I seen it I wouldnt of been getting online and asking what to do any one who has an animal thats a pet wouldve taken it straight to a vet.... Hope you did the right thing by taking it to the vet. Good luck and hope its ok
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