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Feb 6, 2003
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Man she finally tagged me. Was feeding her and she did not want to eat the fresh killed rat pup, and she saw me move, and bang, right in the palm of the hand. I am more concerned why she wont eat, has been 2 1/2 weeks since her last meal, and she has crapped since, so am wondering. I think I just have the only coastal that is a finicky eater. I will try her again in a few days, and no I will not love the glove :)
My yearling coastal wont eat rats at all, she will get so hungery that she will strike the glass door when you get close to check her out .she will strike and reticulate the rat but when she works out what it is she dropps itit doesnt matter how long you let her go with out tucker or how long you leave the rat in the cage I have given up and just feed her 3 mice a feed. I now have to buy more snakes to eat the rats in the freezer bugger
G,day Artie, I feed 3 adult mice every 8 days. I have have only increaced the mice from 2 to 3 in the last month.The rats I was trying to feed her are about half grown (48grms).
Regards Ajler
Hi ajler, she must be a big yearling.
One of my Diamonds, the two year old, would only get about 40/50 grams every 2 to 3 weeks.
She measures about 110mm and is by no means skinny.
Cheers Artie

Ps. She loves mice or rats.
Oops sorry mixed up the posts, how embarrassment! I was asking Moses a q about Aj post :) Sorry guys I really must pay more attention.
G,day Artie, She is about 115 cm and I dont recon that she is to fat ,but the way she has been eating I have to addmit I am abit worried.Her feeds are 2 mice and then about an hour or so latter anouther one.
Regards Ajler
Have you tried rubbing a mouse on the rat to make the rat smell like a mouse. (This is best done when both animals are dead btw.)
Aj when I was trying to get my coastal to eat rats I tried the scenting, the feeding one mouse then offering a rat, the live baby rat , the whole nine, what worked for me was leave her for 2 months, and then only offer her rats, it finally worked, and she eats rats, but I think she like letting me know who is in charge, hence the finikyness. As for Afri, you have been n this board for so long you are allowed a hickup or two every now and then
He only gets forgiven ones, with all his experience. :roll: :wink:
I just got nailed by one of my 7ft female Diamonds. I was trying to worm her and she got out of my grip and nailed my left hand.
It's the first time I have been bitten by a Diamond which is part of the reason she got me, I just wasn't expecting it.
At least she is wormed now.
Ok, you win Greebs my snake is only 3ft and just a plain old coastal :p
Greebo said:
Have you tried rubbing a mouse on the rat to make the rat smell like a mouse. (This is best done when both animals are dead btw.)

Heh! Lol! When my snakes graduated to rats, I kept one mouse for that very purpose! I used to feed the snakes live prey in those days, and they didn't seem to mind the rubbing business at all! :D
I have found that the transition to rats can just be an age thing. I've found that my snakes become less reliant on movement as they get older.

2 1/2 weeks isn't a long time & your coastal might be heading into a shed cycle.

Sometimes frozen rodents are killed in a way that leaves a lot urine smell on the animal. Try getting your rats from a different source.

In captivity snakes don't have to go looking for food so they can get fat easily. I have one coastal that I feed once a month in the warm months & she is still putting on condition.

Just keep trying !
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