There's been something different about my Childrens...

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Very Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2009
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South Aus
My girl's pattern has changed over approximately the last four sheds. I'm not sure what's happening, I've heard of granite childrens but am I right in believing granite is present on hatching or does it occur over time like this? While I'm near a good computer I thought I'd post up a before and after piccie and ask for your opinions... what's going on with my girl?
She's around four years old, kept fine, no ailments or temerament issues. This has come across gradually a few scales at a time. Her underbelly's gone from a uniform creamy white to some yellowing (patchy). The 'mask' on her head is the colour she used to be, and I'm regretting not getting some staging shots in between; I thought I may have been imagining it to tell you the truth.
Anyway here you go; feel free to ask for more info but extra pictures will take a while as my home computer is a temperamental wee thing at the best of times.
Thanks guys, here's the before and after...

Before (she's the lighter one on top):

After (taken today)...

Thanks for looking :)
Thanks guys, funnily enough the first thing I thought of was calico, but I'm paranoid about that sort of thing, like I'm the only one seeing it you know? The yellow in the second pic is a lot brighter in person and used to only be present along her flanks between her belly and back.
I've been dismissing calico as too hopeful, I've never heard of it in childrens myself, the closest I've heard of is granite but I'm not 100% on whether that is present on hatching or a few sheds after and she was around 2 when I bought her, the first photo was during her first season back in March 2010 so I'm being cautious with assumptions of genetics. Suffice to say all of her offspring are safely tucked away at present ;)
Either way I think it looks awesome!
Keep us updated!! :)
First black womas and now this! God I cant wait to see what the next few years have instore for us. Exciting times!
Nice, i bet whoever sold her to you is kicking themself now for not holding onto her just a bit longer lol.
Nice, i bet whoever sold her to you is kicking themself now for not holding onto her just a bit longer lol.

I've come back into contact with him; I'm trying to trace her line back to see if anything like this has popped up before. He was interested in seeing pics and had a bit of a laugh over it, I kind of felt a touch guilty about it lmao!
Will keep you guys updated for sure :) Thanks for the responses!
it is a rare mutational disease called el graniteitiso which is closely related to calicosis. the animal can only survive in my house environment. you must, repeat must, send that animal to live with me or it shall die! (maybe, one day, probably not)
it is a rare mutational disease called el graniteitiso which is closely related to calicosis. the animal can only survive in my house environment. you must, repeat must, send that animal to live with me or it shall die! (maybe, one day, probably not)

I couldn't possibly put your collection at risk hrafna, I couldn't live with the guilt, such a horrendous disease! I'll take the bullet, never fear!
I agree with nighthawk wouldn't want to put any of your collection at risk but she is a awesome snake mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!!!!!!
I've been asked for more pics so I'll try and get to a good computer to post some this weekend. Again, thanks for the positive response; it's quite literally blown me away :D

Okay I'm up at this ungodly hour with a teething child who wants to play (gotta love it, hey?), so I figure I'll do a bit of a bump to see if anyone else has seen or heard of anything like this before; I've since been told that the marbled childrens who look very similar were hatched that way, but this one was around 3 when we started noticing a change but didn't think anything of it. It happened with each shed, a few scales at a time so we didn't really note too much of a dramatic shift in her appearance until today when we finally clued in and decided to compare pics.

No one at all? So this could very well be a new thing?

Sorry about the wait guys; checked her out this weekend and she's just coming up for another shed, so I'll wait until she's done and dusted and then take some more. I'll try for closeups this time, I've noted that the yellow on her flanks is becoming much more pronounced and expanding up toward her back; one or two are half and half tan/yellow on her back, while the darker spots seem to be changing to lavendar so I'll focus on a few of those for you.
Excited! I can't wait to see what'll become of this, she's still just as beautiful and placid as ever :D
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Okay - So after she shed she wasn't quite as light as I previously thought, but there is definitely lavender spots where there was no lavender before... here's a couple of closeups...

2012-07-30 13.34.30.jpg2012-07-30 13.33.10.jpg

It appears to me coming in up her flanks, along with a bit of creamy yellow. I should have taken her into the sun before taking these shots, as after 5 minutes it gets more intense, unfortunately it's been too cold with a distinct lack of sun around this area for a while, but next time anyhoo. If it's a common thing I'm not too fussed, I like it :)
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