What's wrong with my Bredli?

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Jan 26, 2014
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Hey folks, as this is my first snake, this is also my first post. That said, please forgive me if this is in the wrong spot/been covered before etc.

So I got my first snake last week, a young female bredli (I think the breeder said 5 months old but I'm not sure now) and she is one cranky snake. Seriously I can't even get her out of her dang container without multiple strikes at me. I think the breeder didn't handle her much, which is fine as I know he cant realistically spend time with every snake he owns. Is this normal for a snake this age? Kinda bums me out a bit, I mean I can't even handle my own pet....

any my help would be mega appreciated.

Ps Happy Ozzie day!!
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It's a hatching it's going to be defensive to a giant unknown thing grabing it you've only had it a week let it settle in a bit and give it a feed snakes tend to relax a little more once they get older
Bredli's can be like this apparently. mine is about to turn 5 years old and has only chilled out in the past year and a half... as a youngster she was super snappy and i always had an assortment of "kiss" marks.. got worse around the 2-3 year mark as she got a bit stronger..
Very cage defensive - a snake hook (and gloves!) are a great idea for getting out of enclosure, then i dump them.. and/or, as a baby, use something to gently stroke it on the head when about to get out - makes them quite submissive :-/
I also learned for a while there i wasn't feeding her enough and she was latching on, if that ever happens, learn fast and up the food!
Best of lucK!
Bredli's can be like this apparently. mine is about to turn 5 years old and has only chilled out in the past year and a half... as a youngster she was super snappy and i always had an assortment of "kiss" marks.. got worse around the 2-3 year mark as she got a bit stronger..
Very cage defensive - a snake hook (and gloves!) are a great idea for getting out of enclosure, then i dump them.. and/or, as a baby, use something to gently stroke it on the head when about to get out - makes them quite submissive :-/
I also learned for a while there i wasn't feeding her enough and she was latching on, if that ever happens, learn fast and up the food!
Best of lucK!
U serious u stroke it on the head:(... Let it settle in its new home.... Give it multiple feeds for a few weeks then using a hook gently remove from enclosure and start with small handling times... Increasing with confidence from both sides
I must admit I own numerous Bredli of different ages and can't say they are a snappy snake at all. I will say that if she is only 5 months old it can't possibly hurt, let her settle in and see how she goes.

If you are worried about the biting you could always wear gloves all the time you are handling, or just put up with a few nips. She will surely settle in you just have to give it time, don't pull away if she tries to bite just go with it nice and easy with confidence. Soon enough she will realise you are not food, not sure if I would be stroking her on the head at the moment is the best idea it may just encourage a nip.

A Bredli is a nice placid snake from what I have encountered so don't panic and give her time.
I have 2 of them. A 4 yr old female that likes to try & eat me BUT it is no fault of hers. When i got her just before christmas she had been under fed & under handled. I figured this out because every time she nailed me it was a full on strike & wrap,,,,,,,food repsonse,,,,,,she was hungry. She is now getting much better with the extra food i'm giving her but i do keep the welding gloves handy.
I also have a yearling female that is an absolute darling to get out & handle & has raised my confidence through the roof & is really the main reason i am persisting with the big girl. Both are beautiful animals & yours WILL settle down. More food, DON"T touch her head but be confident even if she does tag you, she is only a baby & needs your confidence to build up her own.
If u only got her last week she would be terrified because of the new environment. Give her plenty of hidy holes, dont attempt to handle her for 2 or 3 feeds. And make sure she isnt in a high traffic area in your house. When u do get her out dont use a snake hook as i find they often dont like it. Instead use a gloved hand and only pick her up from underneath her body. They are very sensitive to touch especially on top and sides. Do it with gentle calm confidence and with no sudden movements. Dont pat or stroke her, let her hold onto you instead of you holding onto her. If she does tag you then just show her that u dont care by not giving her a reaction.
Thanks guys, all great advice. I'll get some gloves and take it easy with her. Cheers
My bredli is about 18 months old now and is setteled in nicely, however when i first got her she was about 3-4 months old and she too was very snappy. But the answer to your question is simple, handle her regularly put up with a few bites as they really dont hurt and before you know you have a virtually puppy tame animal.
hmmm mine's always been snappy, i thought that was a characteristic of bredli's (one i learned after acquiring her)...
as for the head-stroking business, is that frowned upon? my cousin taught me that one and it's works on mine.. she's a nutter but usually ok these days once she's out of her enclosure.
I think the head stroking is a technique of forcing submissive behaviour. It is much better to let the snake submit on its own accord.
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