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Not so new Member
Mar 20, 2011
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It may seem a little odd that I am here, and hopefully noone minds :)
I keep pet rats, so you see why this seems strange I am here lol
Let me start by saying I have no intention of ranting about "rats rights" or any rubbish, its just I have no interest in keeping snakes (I can admire them, just dont plan keep any as pets!)
But there is a common interest of your rats for feeding and the care/food/health etc although for different purposes...mine just continue to eat me out of house 'n home not become someones dinner :p
Ive already found some very helpful information, and can see Ill be spending hours reading in this forum. Mostly in the feeders sections, however its fun to get sidetracked and read about the snakes also :)
Im in Melbourne, and been toying with idea of start breeding and sometimes on rodent fancier sites things can be a little glossed over of the reality of breeding programs.
Thanks for having me here and for great lot of extra information
No offense but isn't There a rat forum somewhere on the web :p
I like rats, just wish my mum would let me get one :(
Welcome, hopefully you'll get a reptile to show us some day :lol:
How about lizards? :)
Used to have lizards as a kid lol dont think theyd count since Id caught em in the backyard.
and Yes there is plenty of rat and rodent forums, unfortunatly I find alot of biased into, or things people dont want to mention for fear of sounding anything other than the perfect rat owner! lol
Think alot of snake owners get into rats/mice by default. I guess becomes the extra hobby since breeding them anyway, then start notice fun markings etc
Im a mum btw, so I can relate to ya mum saying NO. But I was surprised, I grew to enjoy the little fury friends, now they are MY pets not the kids lol
Random info.... did you know its become popular in my area to have kids 'reptile parties', and they love it too!
I want a reptile birthday for my 12th birthday :)
Do you have any pics of your rats? How many do you have?
Hi, I have 2 rats, I was originally going to breed them for food but my girl tried to kill my boy so that was the end of that. Now my boy is my closest friend in the house, lol. They have great personality and are very smart little critters. My boy is what they call apricot and the girl is black. I don't think I could breed them for food now and I will never get another pet one as I am going to be devastated when Zeke dies. I don't have a problem buying frozen ones though.

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I have 4 rats, 2 boy,2 girl. In past used to only keep 2 boys at a time. Currently looking into breeding, although not for food. It may be from my current crew,so far they have ticked all the boxes for health, temprement (plus it dont hurt they are cute :p) Or I might also scrap the whole idea, atleast for the moment. All depends on many factors and life commitments.
Im really not sure if alot of areas have the reptile parties, worth googling or look in yellowpages. What they had was a selection of snakes, from memory all were allowed to be handles by the kids, and had lizards, frogs, supposidly crocadile according to the kids(I didnt see it) and umm think thats about it. They got photo taken with animal of choice which parents could buy (they didnt pressure either), and got some laminated info sheets and bookmark or something (was while ago now, forget) anyway, they got some little reptile pressies along with the lolliebag hehe

how old is Zeke and Girlie?
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