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Well answer this "WHY DO WE DRIVE CARS?" we are at the most risk of dying driving our cars on our roads but we do this everyday and never question it, even when we see the fatility rate on tv especially around holiday season but we still go on holidays and shopping and risk not only our lives but the lives of our children and somebody elses children...........its just something some people do ,keeping any snakes involves risk it just depends on what risks you want to take.........and like anything sometimes the incident will happen ...hopefully wont kill you but hey we are only here for a short time may as well enjoy what we like.......RBB


I keep my adders simply because i love them. I don't know why, but i do (much to the unhappiness of family members). I admire them, i do get a rush when i watch them feed but that is not why i am keeping them. I guess you like what you like.
There are plenty i venomous fish, i keep some of them. Most venomous fish arnt dangerous to humans, and many just cause pain and bleeding.

As in Butterfly Cod? Cos' they bloody hurt when you get spiked by them.
yeah well being wired as i am i would think you are far more likely to die in a dressage event through boredom than cross country.

still love getting out there and clearing trees............and never had a bad fall so i have never felt like i was about to die.......funnily enough the only time i went close to a bad fall was when the horse saw a dugite and freaked out......kinda linking the 2 dangerous passions together
Australis - venomous fish? I wasn't aware there was any such thing. What species are you referring to?

I'm not going to list all the species, but for example fish in the Family Scorpaenidae

Of which many can be purchased from your local fish shop that deal in salt water
aquarium fish, no one really bats a eyelid at this..

There are a few species of elapid i would love to keep, and my desire to do so has nothing
to do with their toxicity, just my interest in a particular genus.
Kathryn, you say you don't really get it! Perhaps you never will! I keep and breed vens because I can! Have done so for years, and yes I have copped a few bites and on one occasion saw the inside of 'intensive care'. The amount of ven snakes that I have had, bred and handled over the years, compared to the amount of times i've had bites, I'm way in front!
ask this too ---------go look in your garden i bet you will find poisonous plants that can kill your pet no worries some even can kill small children but on the other side of the coin they look great in your garden ........dont get me wrong people that (well a majority)keep highly venomous snakes know all about the risks of owning and the chances of being bitten and getting sick are good ....but if handled properly and keeping your wits about you ,you shouldnt have any problems ....ask this question all that own snakes on here vens included how many have been bitten by your pythons or your lizards compared to ven bites... why is it when you hear of a ven bite suddenly we are all mad 4 keeping them yet on the other hand keeping a non ven is great(only to people that love snakes...people that hate snakes think anyone with a snake is CRAZY) .........if you love elapids you cant help wanting one ........holden /ford arguments again ....RBB
Australis - would you believe I'm a qualified and enthusiastic scuba diver with her head up her ar*e this particular day? Given the discussion I was thinking of venomous fish that might bite a person and going "Bitten by a poisonous fish?! Well boy howdy I've never heard of that"

*smacks self in forehead*

Those awful pretty coloured things they told be not to touch what looked like rock, duh hyuk. I've really got my smart on today.

RBB - actually, in my own garden there's nothing so far as I know that's poisonous. Again, I love Angel's Trumpets but I'd never *have* one within arm's reach of anyone or anything I loved that might be stupid enough to eat it. I love motorcycles but I'll probably never ride one after familarising myself with the accident stats. I fully accept that people do seriously risky things all the time just because they enjoy it or see merit in it, but that's what I'm not grasping. Perhaps I'm just a nanna and it's just dangerous behavior in general that I'll never get my head around. :)
I'm not going to list all the species, but for example fish in the Family ScorpaenidaeOf which many can be purchased from your local fish shop that deal in salt water
aquarium fish, no one really bats a eyelid at this..QUOTE]

As in Stone Fish, Scorpionfish, Butterfly Cod (aka firefish).

I copped a spike in the joint of my pinkie finger years ago from a Butterfly Cod in my fish tank. Holy felt like my hand was on fire. All i could do was put my hand in a bowl of warm water and didn't i blubber. I don't remember the pain as such but i remember knowing it was painful. The enxt day i could hardly make a fist with my hand and when i did, there were no knuckles due to the swelling. I use to complain about recurring pain and it will even state in Deadly Australian first aid books that people have been known to get recurring pains in the area of the injury years later. Major ouchies!
I don't keep ealpids ;)
I dont keep elapids either :lol:

But id say the reason for keeping them would be different from person to person
katie YOU GOTTA take some risks girlie do something outside your comfort zone i dont mean go n get a ven but do something that you normally would GO HELL NO!! and feel that rush ............rbb
LMAO salesy you know what chopper would say "HARDEN THE FROG UP !!!" LOL NO REALLY I FEEL 4 YOU OUCH! RBB
haha shlanger, saying you have kept them for years and have had few bites, leaving you way out in front??

By that logic since i have been crossing raods for years without being cleaned up by a truck means if i take 1 big hit it wont square the ledger up. Who needs to check both ways.
Different strokes for different folks..............statistically more people die from horses than snakes in australia..........!!!!!
I don't keep ven's. I have no intention of keeping ven's. But everyday we are confronted with many dangerous situations that could cause harm, even if we aren't aware. Better to enjoy life than fear everything and before you know it your time is up. Keeping ven's is similar, it's risky, but it can be done safely. If you don't want to keep them, understand that others do.
What makes you think there is a large number of envenomations.?

I don't know what makes Nagraj think there's a relatively high number of envonomations but I know why I do.

My partner has a comparitively small collection of elapids (I say my partner because I play no part in the day to day aspects of their keeping and I don't ever handle them in any way shape or form - nor do i plan to). Despite the small size of the collection there are at least 3 of the elapids that he owns (that I know of) who have bitten previous owners. One of the previous owners of one snake in particular has been bitten on 3 separate occasions. I can think of a couple of other keepers who have multiple bites from their animals, and since I don't really know many snake keepers - much less elapid keepers - this strikes me as something more than coincidence.

Of the 13 or so Inland Taipan bites recorded only one of them took place "in the field". The rest were keepers/handlers in private collections and zoos.

And keep your eye on the news. There are regularly reported cases of keepers being bitten by their pets.

Before someone asks....and strangely enough....I don't have a problem with Kris keeping.
vens are truly beautiful creatures.......................... FROM THE OTHER SIDE OF A B I G SHEET OF HARDENED GLASS! I love looking at them, but I think if anyone was to take one out of an enclosure within a few hundred metres of me, despite my Achilles tendonitis, you wouldn't see me for dust!!!! (shudder)

My utmost respect to those of you who do it, but you're still all raving mad!!!!! LOL!
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