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LMAO .............its a strange world and we may seem strange to you that we deal with vens but i think people that have SPIDERS as pets are weirder them me.....:shock:........and you guys are putting all elapids in the same basket .remember there are vens that wont really give humans a bad time the crown snakes the naped snakes the bandy bandys etc when ever you think of vens automatically people think death ...........not the case at all ....but i am a lover of all vens even the ones that can give me wings and a halo.......:lol:.....RBB
some people live the dumbest ,saddest lives

they worry about everthing ,even things which if you really look at the statistics are not anywhere as dangerous as you they think

yet they will still get in a car ,eat fatty food ,drink to excess,and even though it will most certainly kill you they light up a smoke

but they see a venomous snake in a cage as such a danger and it petrifies them

how many people actually die from snake bite a year in australia?
do the math
hey dont get me wrong,

i think some people in this post think i am anti............i'm not anti any form of snake. to be honest at the moment i dont and have never owned a snake, however i am so excited at the prospect of getting my first.even at this stage i hope to one day keep vens as well.

my point has simply been that you dont need to try to prove through statistics why you own things. it has nothing to do with other hobbies being safer or more dangerous. even other daily habits like driving and eating fatty foods (i mean, come on...........i for one am stoked that maccas brought back the mcfeast)

I really think that if we do things before they are safe or because they are risky then our motivations are wrong.

Personally being involved with horses, including cross country events, i doubt that that is the highest of sporting fatalities. motor racing would have to be higher. keeping snakes however is not a sport, so why the 2 are being compared is beyond me. it is also not a convenience like driving cars, so that is another justification that doesnt not need to be stated.

if you love them, know the risks and take care, then why do you need to justify or compare?

just spread the love and enjoyment.
Well just to add a different spin on things.....I keep vens because down here in Tassie we only have venomous species.

It is very difficult to import any other types of snakes due to importation restrictions. We can keep elapids the same as you guys/gals over there keep pythons.

Personally, I also find that tigers (especially) have their own personality about them therefore making them fascinating to watch. Oh and we use them for public education/awareness.
I personally keep them because they are more ative, very interesting to watch feed, I love watching my D.A's, Mulga's and Taipans feed!
I was comparing RISK factors ...with driving cars know there are people out there that wont drive or even get into a car because of the risk....i know they are not the same but was making a point people that own vens and work with vens DONT THINK OF THE RISKS (we know the risks)all the time as compared to driving we do it as safely as we can but YES there may come a time that an accident happens.hence getting tagged .....that was more my point...RBB...
yeah what she said,people keep goin on about the "risks"
and are they worth it and forget about the greater risks than owning elapids

each to there own ,elapids are the most beautiful snakes of all:D
Well just to add a different spin on things.....I keep vens because down here in Tassie we only have venomous species.

It is very difficult to import any other types of snakes due to importation restrictions. We can keep elapids the same as you guys/gals over there keep pythons.

Personally, I also find that tigers (especially) have their own personality about them therefore making them fascinating to watch. Oh and we use them for public education/awareness.

i havent seen anyone post from tassie before

i often wondered whats the process in tassie for geting hepr licence with the only snakes availiable being copperheads tigers and whitelipped
A question for all the ven keepers here.If you were forced to pay for all hospital costs associated with being bitten by one of your animals would you then still keep elapids?
A question for all the ven keepers here.If you were forced to pay for all hospital costs associated with being bitten by one of your animals would you then still keep elapids?

I wonder if the same would apply to Motorbike riders ;)
I wonder if the same would apply to Motorbike riders ;)

They most likely would be prepared to foot the bills as they most likely wont be on the earth long enough to have the debt collectors knocking on their doors.
Isnt it funny how Elapid keepers dont care about people keeping Pythons.
But heaps of Python keepers cant handle the fact that people want to keep dangerous Elapids.
Just an observation.
I kept them because i wanted to, i like them, they interest me. Nothing really ground breaking about the attraction, can ask the same question about any animal, hobby or thing we do.
Isnt it funny how Elapid keepers dont care about people keeping Pythons.
But heaps of Python keepers cant handle the fact that people want to keep dangerous Elapids.
Just an observation.

You seem to be getting defensive.............i dont think people here are aying you shouldnt keep them, or even saying you are wrong for wanting to.

All that is being said is that people want to know the reasons. doesnt require justification or argument..........just curiosity.

if someone asked if you get scared keeping them, would you start becoming defensive or would you simply so no and explain about safe handling?

urodacus_au, i love your answer..........makes complete sense to me and i think thats what i will say when i eventually get vens as well.
You seem to be getting defensive.......

Maybe. It just gets annoying with people constantly wondering what the attraction is.
It's simple. They are heaps more interesting than boring pythons. Anyone who has kept a few elapids will tell you pythons just dont come close.
The majority of elapids are better looking, way more active, and theres heaps more to choose from. It's got me beat how people can stay interested just keeping pythons. But each to their own i guess.
having never kept snakes yet i can't claim to notice any behavioral difference
my first snake is going to be a Bredli Python but i plan to keep some Adders

i love their fat bodies and fat puffy heads
they are very cute

i am scared to get bitten by one but like many people here have said they have kept Vens for years and never been bitten if you are careful and responsible
G'day Nagraj,

My reference to other more "risky" situations wasn't out of justification, but more so pointing out that that keeping elapids is just another small risk we assume in our lives. I bet you know someone who has been killed in a car accident, been bitten by a dog, and if you are from the country can almost guarantee you know somebody who has been killed, or almost killed, by a horse. Nobody I know of has ever died from a captive elapid bite.

I have no problem with your keeping elapids for whatever reason but I'm afraid these two justifications are just plain specious reasoning.

There are hundreds of times more dogs, horses and cars in private hands than venomous snakes and the death toll is actually insignificant for dogs and horses. In the case of cars there are billions of km's driven every year and only a handful of deaths (not that that's acceptable). Venomous snakes OTOH are comparatively rare in captivity and yet there seems to be a large number of envenomations and the 'comparative risk' of a fatal incident is significantly higher.
"This is a song that doesnt eeeeeeeeend this is a song that doesnnt ennnnd" WHY DONT WE ALL JUST BEG TO DIFFER and leave it at that? ....sounds good to me RBB
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