A small problem

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Very Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2011
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As most relocators can probably admit, no one ever calls up saying that have a snake in their house/yard/car but its ok, they will watch it, just finish your cup of tea and then pop out when you have a moment. It's usually either panicky voices of mums accompanied by the shrieks and yells of excited children or the gruff voices of men trying to sound tough while not emitting a funny fecal smelling odor in front of their friends.

This call out (it's been a while) followed the pattern of the first example when a very worried friend of the family called up and told me they had, and I quote, "A brown, taipan death adder", after their children and I needed to be there yesterday. The screams in the background told me that either one of the younger generation had already been bitten and was on the verge of death while the others sung song of their heroics or that they were more excited by a change in their daily routine of chasing the dogs and each other around the yard while screaming like banshees and were just being kids.

Luckily in a small town, it takes a minimum of 5 minutes to get anywhere (unless you are on drunk time, that's a different story) and I managed to make record time in getting around the corner. If I hadn't been to this house before, it would have not been hard to find by the sound alone which seemed to be generated by more children than I thought possible in a small yard.

After arming myself to the teeth with enough equipment to deal with the new type of snake that had been identified, I managed to push my way through the crowd of ankle biters (some think its a joke, there were at least 30 kids in this yard that had materialised by some magic) to where this poor snake was caught up in some tape holding kids posters to the walls downstairs (its a "queenslander" house type). After removing half my protective equipment just to be able to gently remove him from the tape, I managed to give the now quiet crowd a talk about snakes and what to do if they are seen around the home home (thanks to those who mentioned the "behave like a tree" scenario on APS)

Ill look after the little guy until I'm certain his scales are ok as they were a bit damaged by the tape and then will release him. Sorry for the terrible photos, I wanted to only get a couple before putting the guy/girl away to settle after his ordeal.


Apologies for the long "story" as well, bad habits.
lol brown taipan death adder
poor little fella beautiful little gts
I would of kicked my way through the little kid's :p

Very nice looking snake though, seemed to be pretty calm. "Brown taipan death adder" that's a new one.
LOL, love those "I've got a ....." phone calls. Reminds me of one I had on the weekend from a guy who said "I've caught a 4 foot Brown Snake and a big Red bellied Black Snake that were under some timber in my garage last night. I have put them both in a bucket but the Brown bit the Black. They are both still alive but can you come of take them away?"
So when I pull up he shows me a 20L bucket with a piece of wood on top and inside 2 identical Small Eyed Snakes about 350-400mm long!!

Quite disappointing really.
Nice little snake. geez, imagine a brown taipan death adder. That's be a sight to behold. Extremely venomous, grumpy, and very fast strike! Thee little tree snake sure does resemble the almighty beast.
I know I'm only a kid but some kids are really frustrating. haha. I like Damien's idea. Bush bash through 'em
the best one i had was a call for a 6 foot red belly sunbaking in a driveway. i arrived with my son who was video taping and with a crowd of 40 people watching from across the road only to find a very life like rubber snake in the driveway. I only wish that i had of thought about it earlier , and wrestled it into my bag , just to make a good home video and maybe win a prize on the funniest home video show.
Thanks all. I'll check on him/her tomorrow but from what I saw, it was ok, just a bit stressed with the whole ordeal.

Ps:great attachment name treeofgreen :)
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