bad or good?

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Well-Known Member
Nov 12, 2008
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Darwin NT
here's a pic of eggs that are in my incubator. the questions and information is on the picture.

I would like you guys to tell me if number 2, 3, 4 are still viable or not?

they've got bad mould which has stread excessively and I am strugling to keep it away. so I've stoped fidling.



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There is always next year.
Start planning for then and get your incubator running well before you are expecting eggs.
it looks like number 2 is oozing.. so that cant be good... just by looking i'd say that number 1 is probably the only one that's viable...
thats the incubated eggs out of the clutch the mother is on the rest she's sitting on about 14 eggs. they look white and plump and she seems to be doing a fantastic job.
so should I remove and escept number 1 and just incubate 1?

do I need yo change vermiculite or just use the stuff thats in there?
yeah I agree yet it's amazing ether way when some of the clutch still hatches. but yes think next year I'll buy a proper incubator...

so jason should I take the all except number 1 out? and do I need new substate?

cheers Jody
Just take out the sunken mouldy ones, leave the other one in there... Personally I open all dud eggs for a look see..... see if you can work out if they were indeed slugs to begin with, or died for some reason ( like being thrown in the bin for instance ;) )... it may take some time to know what your looking at, but basically if it is all one colour that usually indicates it was never going to happen...

Yeah number 4 and 3 on bottom started there first day in the bin hehehe.

the other three where place in the incubator as soon as seperated but 2 and 3 arn't looking crash hot.
ok I took dead eggs out nubers 2,3,4 and cut them open, they where all firtile, number 4 was one from the bin, it drowned. I saw little tiny worm shaped babies all where dead. left number 1 in there as it still is pink but I am now having trouble with flies getting in the container. will see how it goes.
how on earth do flies get into a seal container. Are they super flies in Darwin?

If it is fly blown then change the incubation mix (again). Use new vermiculite. Also make sure the container is CLEAN and SEALED and your fly problem will go away.
thank you code red

yeah same thing happened last year with those dam flies, killing most the eggs. very frustraiting.
There is always next year.
Start planning for then and get your incubator running well before you are expecting eggs.

Well now honey, I'm not so sure about that. We've never incubated eggs by maternal incubation, but I understand the process can be quite draining for mum and that a season's rest is considerd a good idea. Perhaps those who've done it could lend some advice in that department? I'm sure candycaine would only want what's best for her animals and would give this girl some rest after two seasons of breeding and MI.
yep she's not breeding next season as said I care more for may animals then the monie prospect. if the MI works much better then incubation then I'll be sticking with it and only incubating the ones that haven't got a good meternal instinct.

2010 I should have BHP eggs only and 2011 I'll be having 3 pairs going so I will make sure I am absolutly set up with a proper incubator and setup.

each pair is seperated all the time so there isn't any chance of so called accidents to occure.

Thanx for all you honesty and help its very much appreciated.

BHP eggs are much more unforgiving than carpet eggs when it comes to incubation.
If those eggs were fertile to begin with but have gone off within a week or two then it suggests the setup is wrong.If I were to have a guess on what the problem is and was last year also I would say that your mix is far too wet.
I changed the mix and I found fruit flie and lava on the dead eggs yesterday when I checked, + mould. I've re changed mix again this morning to get rid of old stuff mould spores etc. mix clumps slightly and then crumbles.

incubator is a crappy home jobby. will be discarded next year and I will make a fridge incubator instead for BHP and other eggs to come I won't be using this one again thats for sure.

I've run out of idea's for this incubator and the egg, so I will just check every few days air out box and continue till egg hatches if it does that is.

eggs with mum are white and plump so time will tell.
Hi Candycaine,

All those eggs have had it. Probably consider it a good learning experience. At least next year you will be older and



Gday candycaine, can you please post a pic of the incubator that you have been using, im very curious to see what flies are getting into?
Gday candycaine, can you please post a pic of the incubator that you have been using, im very curious to see what flies are getting into?

I wanna know how on earth they get in.
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