My beef with our gay rights!!

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Almost Legendary
Feb 11, 2008
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Well some already know and some may not ,I am a mother of a lovely 23 year old Gay man ,and it infuriates me that he along with other gay people ,dont have the same rights as my younger hetro sexual son&daughters have. He pays his taxes ,he votes,he obeys the general laws,basically lives a law abiding life YET is discriminated against because his sexual preference is of the same sex ,so this means he isnt allowed to have an acknowledged ceremony and a fully licenced marriage certificate .
IT SUX ...Gay people have to abide by all laws in this country and suffer the consequences if they break them ,just like any hetro sexual ..yet gay people are still treated like second class humans when it comes to full filling their life with a partner that they want to commit to for the rest of their days ...

Your the best mum in the world! I hope your son tells you that (if not remind him lol). The laws are slow to change, but the governments eventually weed out the draconian legislation or restrictions. It would cost many votes for our Prime Minister to say she wants to endorse gay marriage, but who would actually believe Julia thinks marriage is only for the hettys? Fat chance!
I can understand your frustration, Nat :( I'm with you. The only consolation I can offer is that the mindset and attitude that allows that kind of discrimination to still exist is held, in large, by the Babyboomer generation... so, give it a few more years, and when Gen X & Y start to have a lot more sway in the political arena, I believe we will see a lot more balance, and a "radical" change in views.

The other thing to consider is that it really isn't the piece of paper that makes a marriage. When I picked my partner, I did it with the understanding that he's had two awful marriages, and maybe didn't want to go through that again. If he turned around and said that he didn't want to "get married" but still wanted to live his life with me, we would still have a fantastic relationship. If we went to Bali tomorrow and eloped, we would have as good a relationship tomorrow or the day after as we did yesterday. We would still have spats, and still have adventures. Although it's a frustrating thing for you all, especially because it's not in your control, I would really encourage your son to look at what his relationship/s IS, not what is ISN'T ;) Hope that's not stepping on toes!
Kristy that is true its not the paper that is the main issue ..what you maybe unaware of is ,in an accident my sons partner isnt recognised as his next of kin ,where as my husband even if we werent married but defacto ,would still be regarded as next of kin any legal things such as house and property or illness /death the gay partner that is left isnt recognised ..AND THAT IS WRONG OH SO WRONG ..When my son was in hospital and had to have an operation ,his partner had to LIE and say he was his cousin to be allowed in to see him ,as only 'FAMILY' at the time was allowed too ..thats my point.
Don't let jay 84 see this thread :lol: there will be an epic post if he does
Regardless of what law states, and even if it was changed tomorrow, there would still be discriminating towards homosexuality for the next few generations.
This is what makes me really sad.
Pretty unfair, I feel for gay people, especially the ones who grow up in country towns, that is where people are the worst to them.

Don't worry gays, if people pick on you because of your sexuality, just threaten to put one in them ;) I am sure that will scare them away. Note this is a joke as well.
Regardless of what law states, and even if it was changed tomorrow, there would still be discriminating towards homosexuality for the next few generations.
This is what makes me really sad.
Mate some of the girliest gay guys I know are tough as nails, society has inadvertently made them that way.
hahaha too funny,

RBB is your son hot? lol
well he is gorgeous to me ;) and he is in a relationship with a guy named Daniel ..they have been together for years now ...still going strong...Kupper I am sure JAY would want to voice his views and I welcome it ...any other gay person that feels that they are being held back by our primitive laws JUMP on the wagon .. :)
Kristy that is true its not the paper that is the main issue ..what you maybe unaware of is ,in an accident my sons partner isnt recognised as his next of kin ,where as my husband even if we werent married but defacto ,would still be regarded as next of kin any legal things such as house and property or illness /death the gay partner that is left isnt recognised ..AND THAT IS WRONG OH SO WRONG ..When my son was in hospital and had to have an operation ,his partner had to LIE and say he was his cousin to be allowed in to see him ,as only 'FAMILY' at the time was allowed too ..thats my point.

Yes, I totally agree that that's draconian and unacceptable in every way.

Hopefully, there will be changes in the next 10 years. The way I have very unscientifically analysed it, just from looking at my parent's and partner's and my friendship groups, it seems to be (again, as a rough guideline), if you're over 60, you probably discriminate whether you like it or not. In your 40s and 50s, you probably sit just either side of the fence (except you, Nat ;)). My partner's gen (in his mid-30s) doesn't seem to care either way, and neither does Gen X or Gen Me. So, once the 60-year olds are out of the political scene, I think there will be some changes. Even if it takes another 10 years, your son will still be young enough to enjoy those changes ;)
i dont really get peoples interest in marriage unless theyre religious anyway, but ur totally right, gay people should have exactly the same rights as the rest of us.
a friends gay sister said a while ago they can register with centrelink as gay (so one cant get benefits if the others working etc) but unless the govt can make extra cash of it theyre not interested.

i read an article in an oldish newsapaper this morning where 2 gay male vultures in a zoo were being seperated and put with females, for gods sake, gayness is as natural in all species as 'non gayness' (words are hard to find before i have my coffee, lol,..) bloody interfereing people,....
I can understand your frustration, Nat :( I'm with you. The only consolation I can offer is that the mindset and attitude that allows that kind of discrimination to still exist is held, in large, by the Babyboomer generation... so, give it a few more years, and when Gen X & Y start to have a lot more sway in the political arena, I believe we will see a lot more balance, and a "radical" change in views.

The other thing to consider is that it really isn't the piece of paper that makes a marriage. When I picked my partner, I did it with the understanding that he's had two awful marriages, and maybe didn't want to go through that again. If he turned around and said that he didn't want to "get married" but still wanted to live his life with me, we would still have a fantastic relationship. If we went to Bali tomorrow and eloped, we would have as good a relationship tomorrow or the day after as we did yesterday. We would still have spats, and still have adventures. Although it's a frustrating thing for you all, especially because it's not in your control, I would really encourage your son to look at what his relationship/s IS, not what is ISN'T ;) Hope that's not stepping on toes!

Completely agree Kristy :) With both your points.

The babyboomers have a lot to answer for :/ They were the only generation to 'have it good' and have a bit of an ego because of it. How many times have I heard "At your age I had worked for ten years straight, was married and had owned my own home for 9 years!"
Thats nice... your wage used to be $24grand+, houses and land were only $40grand, you didn't need extensive qualifications to get a job and because the population had just expanded there were ample jobs to be had that weren't filled.
My wage is still on $26grand.... but houses now cost half a million, I needed to have three certificates to get this lame job and it took me some stiff competition to get it because all the babyboomers are still holding on to their high paying jobs at the top!

Bah hum bug! lol

Aaaaaanyway.... ;)

If you son wants to get married, there are still people who will do it :) If I were you I would get him to have a ceremony and focus on his big day, rather than on the specifics of the paperwork he will need to fill out :) It just gets recognized by law as a legal partnership... technically its just wording right now that is probably getting to your son. They can legalize their union.... but they have to put a different label on it. :( A bit rude.... but its a decent compromise for now until the majority of our voting population are no longer baby boomers. On the other hand as bigoted as my father is, I think he would still support gay marriage :) It would just take a very brave polly to get it changed especially while their 'power' hangs in the balance.
Kristy that is true its not the paper that is the main issue ..what you maybe unaware of is ,in an accident my sons partner isnt recognised as his next of kin ,where as my husband even if we werent married but defacto ,would still be regarded as next of kin any legal things such as house and property or illness /death the gay partner that is left isnt recognised ..AND THAT IS WRONG OH SO WRONG ..When my son was in hospital and had to have an operation ,his partner had to LIE and say he was his cousin to be allowed in to see him ,as only 'FAMILY' at the time was allowed too ..thats my point.

Hi Nat! This is a brilliant thread, I applaud you for bringing it up! :)

I would just like to add to this particular post of yours... In some states (SA for example), the government are now FINALLY recognising De Facto relationships across the board - including same sex relationships. Although this step has taken many years (and lots of blood, sweat and tears), it is a small step in the right direction.

I'm not gay - just very happy to have friends who are - but have been a 'quiet' advocate for gay rights for a number of years. I sincerely hope that this legislative step will induce the next one...

My mother paid a fortune to import a dog... it was absolutely beautiful... and it ended up being gay LOL It happens :)
The majority of animals especially female animals have at least bisexual tendencies anyway.

But its not about that, its about peoples comfort levels... and while gen x and gen y are comfortable with the idea... a lot of baby boomers are still uncomfortable with it.

i dont really get peoples interest in marriage unless theyre religious anyway, but ur totally right, gay people should have exactly the same rights as the rest of us.
a friends gay sister said a while ago they can register with centrelink as gay (so one cant get benefits if the others working etc) but unless the govt can make extra cash of it theyre not interested.

i read an article in an oldish newsapaper this morning where 2 gay male vultures in a zoo were being seperated and put with females, for gods sake, gayness is as natural in all species as 'non gayness' (words are hard to find before i have my coffee, lol,..) bloody interfereing people,....
A very wise babyboomer once told me, when complaining about the younger generation, "The older generation act as though they had nothing do with it" ;)

This definitely didn't come out of my father's mouth.
RBB you are AMAZING. It was only yesterday i was considering starting a poll on here to see who was in favour of gay marriage equal rights!

I find it appalling and an absolute embarrassment that Australia is so far behind the times. So many countries now have changed their legislation to recognise gay marriage. Mexico, Argentina, Canada, UK, etc etc etc...... even CUBA has just apologised to the gay community for their treatment during the communist times!


For the people who say that marriage should be between man and woman as it is stated in the bible...........

Why are athiests allowed to marry? why are buddhists allowed to marry? These people as well as many other religions DO NOT believe in the bible, yet are allowed to declare hteir relationship under the sanctity of marriage. Marriage is now so far removed from religion. I would not want to get married in a church anyway, how hypocritical they are.

The pope just came out an said only a few weeks ago that HIV/AIDS is gods punishment to gays. *** ?!?!?!?!?! Burn in hell you sadistic old man! It was also said by him that elderly priests who are found to have been pedophiles in their younger years should not be punished !!!!! Well if people are taking advice from this man then god help humanity!!!

There have been quite a few labour MP's who have now raised their voice to say they do not oppose gay marriage.... this is definitely a step in the right direction.

For those who are interested, there are GAY RIGHTS RALLIES in many capital cities this saturday the 20th november! Go and show your support.... PLEASE.
Told you .it was going to be epic :lol:
AND I SAY BRING ON THE RAINBOW RIBBONS AND GLITTER BALLOONS ......go for it you guys n girls get your word out there and believe me you have some BIG HETRO SEXUAL SUPPORTERS in your corner now xxxxxxx :)
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