gym question

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also what's a good way to work back?
Chin-ups, lat pull downs, dumbbell rows etc. We also had a machine (never knew what it was called) that you sit on with a pad that you lean your chest on and pull a bar towards you kinda in a rowing action

Doing your back sucks balls because it's a big muscle group so you need good arm/shoulder strength just to be able to do anything meaningful for your actual back muscles. Try using wraps for the chin-ups and lat pull downs if your forearms die before your back
If you can't do lat pulldowns you can do overhand grip pullups with as wide a grip as you can as well as chin ups.
If you go to the gym then why not pay 60 bucks or there abouts and get a PT to go thru all the things u need to do. They will help with a work out and target anything you need also will help with what you need to eat.
Best money you can spend IF you wont it.
Good Luck mate
If you go to the gym then why not pay 60 bucks or there abouts and get a PT to go thru all the things u need to do. They will help with a work out and target anything you need also will help with what you need to eat.
Best money you can spend IF you wont it.
Good Luck mate

Good suggestion. They can write you a whole program if you pay for one session, including nutrition, and then you can wipe your hands clean of them unless you need to make it more complicated when you get bigger :D
Good suggestion. They can write you a whole program if you pay for one session, including nutrition, and then you can wipe your hands clean of them unless you need to make it more complicated when you get bigger :D

A lot of gyms will give you a PT lession for free to get you on your way for free. Ask and see what you can get.
A lot of gyms will give you a PT lession for free to get you on your way for free. Ask and see what you can get.

Yeah but you have to paY for a membership. If he has his own gym and pays for one session with a pt it would be worthwhile also.
Mate if you are just starting out don't even bother with a split routine. Concentrate on a 3 day a week full body routine using compound excercises like squats, deadliftes, bench press, rows, chins and dips etc.. get good at doing these excercise for a year or 2 to build a good foundation before messing around with isolation excercises and split routines. Its already been said but I'll say it again diet is very important, don't mess around with supplements except for maybe a good quality whey protein and some multivitamins, just eat good food like fruit veges and lean meat, eggs and milk etc.. And stick to it, don't expect gains to come fast and easy, unless you are genetically gifted it will take time. Good luck.
yeah i go to genisis and it's a really good gym it has like a wet room and all that stuff it's pretty good, so they would probly have some good personal trainners that could help with that problem. i wonder how much it would cost, but i get into any gym in newcastle and central coast for free because my mother nature works for the government so i wonder if that would cover it, i will have to ask on monday.
My wife wanted to me to hit the gym and get a six pack, instead I hit KFC and Maccas and got her a keg instead. :D:D Soooo much more value.
hey can someone please help me with a gym routine eg. monday shoulders/ biceps, and would prefer one that lasts for 5 days a week.
thanks guys and girls.:D

Ok firstly how old are you and what health are you in (body fat levels etc) as if you have more than say 15-20% bodyfat you should concentrate on losing the love handles before "bulking up".
Secondly posting a gym question on a reptile forum is guaranteed to give you 95% junk to filter threw as most of these people would have no/little idea about gym (no offence but its true guys). Go onto a body-building / health and fitness forum and post your questions there.

For a 5 day plan either get a PT to analyse you and write you out a plan, or read up on the net. Generally you would spend about 30mins-1 hour in the gym. With 1 minute breaks (if trying to put on muscle). Work each muscle with about 3 or so exercises (as varied as possible but focusing on the one muscle) and do about 4 sets per exercise (6-10 reps per set). So for example chest would include bench press, incline bench press/decline bench press, and pectoral flies.

Generally I work out each muscle then I have a day off then I do a lighter full body on sat morning (so mon-thurs then friday off and big day sat morning) . Your body needs that day off ok! Also if you're skinny and have a fast metabolism then do as little cardio as possible. Doing certain muscles before other muscles is also a bad idea (eg biceps/ triceps day 1, then chest or back day 2... your arms will burn out).

Here's a rough stab at a plan...

Monday - back and shoulders, Tuesday - chest and abs, Wednesday - legs and butt (yeah baby), Thursday - biceps, triceps and forearms, Saturday - deadlifts (back and core and general whole body) and a little of everything else also.

For exercises copy what the big boys do at your gym, and really watch it, cause technique is very important. Ask a guy (nicely) who is bigger than you to spot you and give you tips. Furthermore you should vary your routine every few months as your body will become accustomed to what you do!

is protein shakes good for muscle building.

Debatable but in my opinion YES very. Once again your body shape/diet/metabolism will dictate what supplements you need. But a good regular dose of protein, carbohydrate, and amino acid supplements will go a loooooong way to increasing your calorie intake in a good way. It is expensive though, if you do it properly you should have at least 2 shakes per day probably more.

so should i be eating mainly dairy and meat products?

No! Vegetables, lean meat (predominately chicken breast, lean red meat, and fish.... lots of fish), egg whites, nuts etc all are essential. You need a balanced diet mate. Google "the dolce diet"... he looks after a heap of UFC cage fighters he knows his stuff.

also what's a good way to work back?

Hands down in my opinion deadlifts (if done correctly) and also seated row, and lateral pulldown.

Hope this helped dude cause it took me a while to write haha!
If he is bulking, a lot of dairy would be good......

GOMAD diet for bulkers is "Gallon Of Milk A Day"

That's the only part I disagree with you on, because it depends on where he is at body wise now before you work out his diet. The rest of your advice is golden.
first of all thanks for writeing all the that and using time and effot.
okay im 15 i am far of fat, im pretty short, i way 65 kilos. And i go to the gym until im totally destroyed! literally i cant lift my arms. And what i usally do at the gym ill do 4 sets of about 12, and then inbetween ill do a drop set and take of a few kilos and that's my brake. once i have done that i will add back on the weights and do the propper sets.

Yes there needs to be alot of changes to what i eat.

And i also have been using the protein shake.

As long as you Squat and deadlift YOU WILL SEE MUSCLE GAINS. Piss off the wimpy isolation exercises and FOCUS on COMPOUNDS.
And eat for gods sake, Meat and veges, lots of fruits and more veges, and nuts. And remember all the muscle in the world wont do you any good if you cant climb a flight of stairs so remember your cardio.
IF you end up getting the shakes get the fries too.

But on a serious note MAXXS Protein shakes really do taste good and do the job.In my opinion anyways.
If he is bulking, a lot of dairy would be good......

GOMAD diet for bulkers is "Gallon Of Milk A Day"

That's the only part I disagree with you on, because it depends on where he is at body wise now before you work out his diet. The rest of your advice is golden.

Haha where did I write no milk? I said a balanced diet, so not just milk and meat like he suggested. But yes full cream milk is good (gallon is a bit excessive for 65kg though).

Pretty much what you are aiming to do is....

A) tear the muscle fibers slightly in your targeted muscle (the muscle will grow back larger assuming you have the correct diet)
B) get a good 'pump' (increase in oxygenated blood to the target muscle)
c) then immediately after get some amino acids, proteins and good carbs into your body asap!

You don't need to be in the gym for 2 hours till you're about to drop. Just have 1minute breaks, go with a mate so you can do those extra couple of reps, and always do some warm up sets to get the blood flowing!
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