Eggs and Monitors

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Very Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2009
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How healthy are eggs or egg yolks for monitors?
Can it be half or a large part of a staple diet?
I would say not half but it can certainly be a regular inclusion in some specie diets. Keep in mind that eggs make their waste very runny so apart from any other factors it will make cleaning a lot harder. I would Stick to small whole prey items as a staple.
What monitor species? Eggs are a messy food if they aren't swallowed as whole raw eggs (which only the large species can do). A monitor will have trouble trying to swallow the yolk raw, and even if it's poached it will break apart and they'll end up picking at it, instead of swallowing whole chunks.

I wouldn't bother. They need whole prey with guts and bones.
When I make my monitor mince I stick chicken eggs and quail eggs in. Be creative with what you give them.
i feed my ackies eggs when i am low on roaches. roaches and crickets are much better for them. i only feed pinkies when bulking up after the winter or breeding. although i do feed alot of egg. i use one egg between 6 ackies. i mix is all up so there is no separation between whites and yolk and then i whack it in the mircowave for 30-45 secs. this pretty much scrambles the egg for me and then i just mush it up into edible chunks.
and they go NUTS for it. i found raw egg was to messy. this way their poos are not as runny either. it does make them a little fat though if fed to often but in winter i probably give every second feed as egg. sometime just plain egg other times mixed in with some wombaroo vitamin or calcium powder.

im sure u could do this with other larger monitors just once the egg is done in the microwave dont chop it up into such small pieces. u could even chuck in some mince.

as long as the diet is varied i think its fine to feed and i havent had any problems. i even know some people who crush up the egg shell and leave it in the mix aswell.
mine loves eggs, always eats them first
but a chicken egg will get spread around the enclosure and with the heat lamps a few hrs after feeding you will regret it
sometimes i mix an egg in with some roo mince but i prefer to use quail eggs as they swallow them whole and there is less mess


Nice pics Farma! My guy likes eggs so much, he even tackles large, egg-like stones:)!!


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I half remember reading that feeding either the yolk or the white exclusively affected calcium absorption. Though I cannot find where and to what extent.
Nice pics Farma! My guy likes eggs so much, he even tackles large, egg-like stones:)!!

haha, poor fella!
My Sandy loves egg from time to time. I don't feed it very regularly, probably only once a month if that. I just cook it until it is nice edible chunks...
My little ackie loved his egg. Once a week or so I use to crack one into a little bowl and give it to him raw. He'd pretty much swim in it and then go wipe it all round his tank. :lol: But he use to go nuts.. God love them. :D
Thanks for all the info guys.

I just ran out of rodents this week (had a fail litter of mice) so I decided to put from raw egg in.
They all took it with gusto, so I might be using it more often now, maybe once a week with one yolk each.
This is will be good when my new monitors gets to adult size as well.

Thanks again
Can it be half or a large part of a staple diet?
An occasional egg is okay, but it shouldn't be a large part of the diet. It's very rich in fat and cholesterol. I give my male lace monitor the occasional whole chicken egg - they've got a really neat, instinctive swallowing behaviour, being extremely careful not to crack the shell.
they've got a really neat, instinctive swallowing behaviour, being extremely careful not to crack the shell.

It's cool to watch, reminds me of crocs carrying their babies to the water.
so, i have 2 ridge tail monitors. i dont want a whole heap of messy egg around. can i cook it? scramble poach sunnyside up?? or do they only take it raw? also raw mince only?
i have only ever done live insects and pinkie feeds before...
I half remember reading that feeding either the yolk or the white exclusively affected calcium absorption. Though I cannot find where and to what extent.

This is correct, my vet told me this a while back and he read it straight out of a vet medical book. He said it's OK as an occasional treat.
Would it be a good option for putting weight on Crocdoc?
Getting monitors to put on weight is easy. Just feed them more of whatever they're already eating. Getting them to lose weight is trickier.
so, i have 2 ridge tail monitors. i dont want a whole heap of messy egg around. can i cook it? scramble poach sunnyside up?? or do they only take it raw? also raw mince only?
i have only ever done live insects and pinkie feeds before...
You're fine feeding them insects and pinkies. If you wanted you could give some boiled egg now and then, but it's not necessary. I'd avoid the raw mince, though, as that's just protein without calcium and other essential vitamins and minerals.
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