Nick Names given to special animal visitors to your garden

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Very Well-Known Member
May 25, 2004
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We have some names we call some of the visitors to our garden. Each species all have the same name which helps avoid confusion.

For example:
  1. Sulphur Crested Cockatoos are all called George - or Georgina if we think it female
  2. Crested Pigeons are all called spike
  3. Lorikeets are called Lori
  4. Blue Tongues are called Bob
  5. etc.
So who has what names for which visitors. We need some for a number of the other species that visit our yard.
All wagtails are called willy.
All sparrows are called mike.
All mice are called Jason Bourne (as I can never seem to get rid of the bastards when they show up and always evade capture)
All crowes are called Brandon
All rabbits are called McBob
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Phasing portal pigeons.

During our first winter in our place a fledgling pigeon managed to get into our flat mate's room and nestle on his bed in front of the heater, despite there being no visible way in/out. Now all pigeons are phasing portal pigeons, just because we find it hilarious.
Kookaburras are Jack.....most cockies, and we get flocks of black red tails, white and galahs are just called a bloody nuicience because they make such a noise when they fly over the house. We have a lake 3 streets away where they and lots of other birds love to go to. Actually we love seeing them all.
Peilcans are Percy
Seagulls are either Jonathan or Livingstone
Possums are either Esme or Enda, Barry for boys.
Interesting question. I use the common names for all animals except for the introduced bird species, the "brown" birds, which get called things I can't repeat here.
What? Stop smoking crack. A lorikeet is a lorikeet and a crow is a fcking crow
An Ibis called Billy Ray ibis ( no mullet on it though) and a Turtle dove called Rodney that would eat out of your hand.
When we take the dogs for a walk down to play cricket in the park with the kids, if we see galah's my son refers to them as 'pink vests' & the roos we see he calls them 'jackets'. I find it to be quite cute!
we had a dog that use to visit my olds house/paddok and visit/eat the lambs each season i now call him fertilizer
We refer to the India Myrna birds as "the rats of the sky" - hardly a nick name. I took apart one of their nests in a nesting box that formerly got used by galahs. I could not believe the garbage that came out of it. It even had a condom wrapper in it. I would love to be able to eradicate the bugers.

Interesting question. I use the common names for all animals except for the introduced bird species, the "brown" birds, which get called things I can't repeat here.
All huntsmans are called George
all whitetails and redbacks are called shoes
the Murray magpie that attacks our laundry window is called dumbo
at my dads, next doors chickens are called lunch, dinner and Christmas roast
the trapdoor spider is named after the trapdoor monster in the abc show
when i used to get bluie's in the yard before i got my dog i called them all charlie
Magpies - Maggie
Butcher Birds - Bertie
Water Dragons - Larry
Kookaburras - Kooka
Blue Tongues - Blue
Carpet Pythons - Smilla (can't even remember how that name came about!)
Crested Pigeons - Pidge and Podge (regulars)
Asian House Geckoes - Gordy
Huntsmans - Spencer (???)
Noisy Mynahs - Mickey
Wallabies - Wally
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