Snake bites man at Melbourne home

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A SNAKE hidden under a door mat has bitten a man at his home on Victoria's Mornington Peninsula.


Published On: 19-Dec-11 08:37 AM
Source: AAP via

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Yesterday was cold here,
I think there is more to this story i have never had a snake have a go at me when i uncovered it.
I think there was more interaction than the story tells.
I think there is more to this story i have never had a snake have a go at me when i uncovered it.
That is my experience as well, as a general rule (yes I know there are exceptions) if you uncover a lizard it will bolt but a snake will just sit there

was bitten on the foot through his boot
If you lift a wet mat on a cold day here on the peninsula, and a tigersnake is under it, you would have to be pretty unlucky to get bitten.
The snake wont just bite for no reason.

They usually just freeze up or slowly slide off in this situation.

I rang the editor and he was rude and then he hung up on me when i tried to tell him this.

Im sure the reporter and the editor know that there was no aggression on the snakes part but that dosnt sell papers like using the "vicious attack snake " lines
definately more to the story ive never had it go me when ive uncovered a snake especially on a cold day if that was the case i would cary my camera all the time
i didnt think yesterday was " a cold day " unless flinders was a lot cooler then frankston .
Sounds suss....especially when he says he was bitten through his boot; not sports shoes or thongs but pretty substantial footwear – a boot!
Did anyone else see the irony in the paramedics name being Andrew Kick. Not the only kick there that day I am sure.
The bite was treated with a "tourniquet". That's great! Some people still live in the Jurassic.
"The 42-year-old man told us he ... was bitten on the foot through his boot by what he thought was a tiger snake,"

I'd like to know what the rest of that quote was. I'm assuming it goes something along the lines of:

"The 42-year-old man told us he kicked the snake multiple times and then was bitten on the foot through his boot by what he thought was a tiger snake,"

You've got the love the only good snake is a dead snake mentality. Today I had a 50-60 something year old CFA volunteer tell me "f@&% the law" when I informed him that killing snakes was illegal.
Lucky to bite through a decent sock let alone a boot. If theyre going to mention the tourniquet a few extra lines explaining the fact that this is incorrect first aid that could have disastrous results shouldnt be that hard.....
Today I had a 50-60 something year old CFA volunteer tell me "f@&% the law" when I informed him that killing snakes was illegal.
we see this mindset everyday and the best we can do is try to inform and educate.

Sometimes it works and these are the times that make it all worthwhile to me.

Dont take it to heart Andrew, dont get angry, life is to short to worry about the trivial crap.
it ****** me off to but..
Yeah Baz, when I hear that sort of stuff I generally just keep those particular thoughts to myself. Yelling at them won't fix anything. Just have to keep trying to convince them that the snake's not out to get them and that they can coexist!
we see this mindset everyday and the best we can do is try to inform and educate.

Sometimes it works and these are the times that make it all worthwhile to me.

Dont take it to heart Andrew, dont get angry, life is to short to worry about the trivial crap.
it ****** me off to but..

The countrymen I work with are terrified of snakes…..then they kill them. I have been putting in a big effort to get them to see a different angle on snakes.
It’s not difficult with the mature ones but with the young fellas I had to remind them they were studying Conservation & Land Management. Neither aspect requires the useless destruction of snakes. Kill the snake and FAIL.
I heard today of an XL coastal taipan near an Arnhem Land Community. One of our Rangers shot it. Unfortunate but understandable. I am pushing the case for ven handling courses for all the Rangers. With the toad effect already knocking down elapid numbers they need relocation not reduction.
We have exactly the opposite reaction here
Complete waste of time trying to educate the older ones
So we concentrate on the kids and young adults
Much more environmentally aware than the parents

Amazing to me a ranger would shoot the snake given that it is illegal. What's he going to do when another one turns up and he's not there. Not anyone with a shotty. Pathetic
I'm laying in a hospital bed as we speak. Ain't no old man let himself be rehabilitated that's the truth. As for a sNake laying under a mat. Please explainzis.
I noticed that and other sites have all gone down the path of having 'Like' buttons and Recommend buttons, this particular story had 26 recommends when I read it. What I want to know is where's the 'This is bullplop" button, because this is some Grade A stuff.

In regards to changing people's views on snakes, its good to realise that most of the guys on this site understand that critisizing and attacking someones views is only going to make them dig their heals in. Suggesting alternative methods of dealing with snakes and trying to make them understand them better is the only way to go.
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