So Proud Of My Husband!!! Look what he did!

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Very Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2011
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The Entrance, nsw
So ever since I met my husband I have known he's not real handy when it comes to any sort of building, repairs or even flat pack assembly.... But i am beginning to think he's played me!!! Like the time he put a red sock in with the whites so I'd never ask him to do the washing again! lol.

Maybe its just the fact that this is for something he wants, his Varanus gouldii flavirufus. that we are picking up next week from Tristis. He has already named it "Lionel" (the lizard).

A massive thanks to Umbral for getting us the tub and letting us see his set up!

I know its only a basic thing but it just goes to show ANYONE can do it!!!

The main frame.

the perspex half just lifts off, we still need to get some handles and locks (for curious four year olds. so she doesnt lose any digits)

Lamp is just an outdoor spotlight screwed in with 2 screws..

and his final piece of work is a "Monitor stack" as Tristis calls them and will serve as a basking area and a hide. The bottom section is 1/2 filled with sand so He can burrow and hide.

Unfortunately i have had to tell hubby that hell have to remove the top shelf as its too tall and too close to the light. Hubby is not happy lol.
Definatley trying out the red sock trick one day ;)

yes it definitely works (especially if your partner is pedantic about white being WHITE!!!) LOL.... I probably should of realised the first time i went to his place and all his washing was neatly folded in plastic bags on his bed, not so bad til you realise he is 27 and didnt live at home!!! that he was pretty spoilt.
good on him, he did well 4 someone who isnt handy! lol about the red sock bit, like my 16 yr old when i ask him to do the dishes, he pretty much dunks each item (looks like he is scanning them like a checkout chick) and chucks it on the dish rack :evil: i go to put them away and find bits of dried cereal and all sorts still on the bowls! i swear he is hoping i stop asking him to do them :lol: but i dont lol.

Anyways back to the story, i bet your hubby feels so proud and so he should lol this might be just the begining Sezzz, before you know it he will be building you custom enclosures for your new additions 8)
Looks good Sez. Happy to have been of use. Was nice to meet someone from APS.
Timm meeting you and Emma has been wonderful. You have been a wealth of knowledge and so helpful. without you none of this would have been possible!
Timm meeting you and Emma has been wonderful. You have been a wealth of knowledge and so helpful. without you none of this would have been possible!

From what I've seen, he makes a mean enclosure, too ! :)
I didn't make that one lol. I just helped out by getting her a grape picking bin from a winery.
I didn't make that one lol. I just helped out by getting her a grape picking bin from a winery.

I was referring to your bank enclosure you made earlier this year.

I think we'll let T take all the credit for this one. ;)
Hubby has done well indeed! Thatā€™s got to be worth at least a month of no headaches...

Good on you Umbral for helping out. Love the lateral thinking involved in using the grape bin. Makes for an ideal enclosure for these critters. I am most impressed.


You also let us steal ideas from your enclosure!

Blue, This hubby of mine causes me more headaches than ppl would ever believe lol!

What winery did you get the tub from ? Do they have the 44gal drums as well ?
Just one of the winery's I know in the area, and yea I can probably get either plastic or metal 44gal drums too.
Kirkwoods get them from the winery and sell them 25 bucks a pop and the winery gets em for free.
looking very nice Sezzzzzzzzz. its looking good, all it needs is a bit of a log/stump to climb on.
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