Expressions of interest for a Herp Group in Lockyer Valley

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This is to the mods of this section of the forum, i know you are asked time and time again for different subject matter to be made a sticky but i think in this case it would be justified if this thread was made a temp sticky until such time as these young people have got a herp group in the Lockyer Valleyup and running or this thread falls beside the wayside, also the heading for the thread should be changed to "Expressions of interest in herp group for Lockyer Valley" just to give them a kick start, we should all try in one way or another to help with education on herps wherever and whenever we can.......Just a thought on my part but i reckon they deserve a helping hand...........................Ron
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You are completely correct Ron, in that we need to encourage "hatchling" Herpetology Clubs to get up and going to share our interest in reptiles.

If not for The Herpetological Society of Queensland I would not have made lifelong friends plus I always have access 24/7 to invaluable support and information

Sandee :)
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Feel free to bump if necessary. I'll take this back to the Mod team Ron and see what the general consensus is on making it a temp sticky...

Update: Temp sticky-ed as requested.
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Hey guys,
I am thrilled to see so many people interested in staring a herpetology and the amount of help is fantastic. This is something that defiantly needs to happen with the amount of interest that has been shown it is defiantly going to help. I hope to see more getting into this hobby and this is a prefect way to do this. I am so glad this has been sticky-ed hope it gets spme attention. i will keep everyone posted cheers guys
I am in toowoomba. May be interested. Like to meet other reptile keepers.
Thank you SniperCap and the rest of the Mod team for agreeing to make this thread a temp sticky, it is not for my benefit nor the other 98% of the forum, but in doing this if it helps to get a herpetology group going in their area then it is worthwhile in my opinion, Now it is up to the interested people of the Lockyer Valley to grab the ball and run with it........................................Ron
Im keen and in ipswich

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Create a Facebook page, name it something like lockyer valley and darling downs society of reptiles and amphibians. Maybe not so long.
That's a good idea.
A few of us in Ipswich have been slowly putting things together to get an incorporated herp group started in Ipswich. Unfortunately I've been so busy with the magazine and our new shop that this as gone on the back burner. I can see now though that people are wanting it to happen sooner rather than later, so I'll get onto it again and make it happen. Please email me at [email protected] if you are interested and ill let you know when and where for the inaugural meeting.
we have the wheels rolling on this one, i believe there will be an introductory bbq at gatton coming up in the near future
It will be awesome having a regular group again..... I used to enjoy the monthly HSQ meetings and we are certainly in desperate need of a reputable Herp Society again with the hobby growing at the rate it is......Its been talked about by all the Scales team for so long now that its about time it was up and running..... Great news Joy
we have the wheels rolling on this one, i believe there will be an introductory bbq at gatton coming up in the near future

Please advise me of the date I would be interested.

The more "Oz Reptile Keepers Clubs" the better, it give people the choice to follow whatever branch of herpetology they feel comfortable with.

Sandee :)
i'll definitely keep you informed, if anyone else wants more info or would like to be involved please pm me. I hope the meeting for Joys went well tongiht i didnt get hom from work till 8 so unfortunatley couldnt make it, will look forward to goign int he future

Please advise me of the date I would be interested.

The more "Oz Reptile Keepers Clubs" the better, it give people the choice to follow whatever branch of herpetology they feel comfortable with.

Sandee :)
Just an update about our new society. Our meeting on Friday evening went extremely well. Great start with about 60 in attendance, so it's off to a flying start. Everyone is extremely excited and at long last we have a new society determined to get things done. I'll put a media release up about it tomorrow when I get into work.
would there happen to be a group that goes out herping in melbourne/victoria i could join and learn from? i really would love to go herping but have no clue what to do.
ive read the noob guide to herping but im worried ill run into a venomous snake or something and not know what to do... or even get lost.. as im new to melbourne altough i aint too bad at keeping my direction out bush :)
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