I hate.....

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when my boyfriend 'forgets' to flush (i'm sure he just leaves it there coz he's proud of a job well done)
the fact that washing up never ends
american reality tv (closely followed by aussie reality tv)
indian myna birds and pidgeons
the fact that healthy food costs five times as much as junk food
tiny bugs that i can't see
the fact that grass will grow in tiny cracks in the driveway yet the front lawn is entirely dead
the band something for kate
neighbours who scream a lot (i've got one on either side)
fingernails scraping on ice *shudder*
anyone who is cruel to animals
people who can't spell

(gee this thread is cathartic, i feel great!)

oh and people who immediately think that someone who wears black is an emo or a goth. does that make most italian mamas goths? what if you're just a grub and black doesn't get dirty as easily?

I hate having to write a lot, so ill keep this short and also having to
squash in to a train full of people (great chance to smeell everyones
BO). only kidding everyone :lol:
So like funny undies then?

Is that like the ones with little plastic animal faces on the front?

no, lol. fundys are fundamentalists, anything from bible bashers who stand in the mall and ruine my lunch on the green, to the terrorist fundys that blow things up, like themselves and others. Carnies are indeed carnival folk, who try and rip you blind and cop a feel at the same time, and all smell like some type of feacal matter, *shudders* i hate the carnival :x
i hate running out of beer and the missus telling me i drink to much
I hate coming home from a rough tiring day, when you're really looking forward to sitting down and relaxing with a beer in your hand...and you eagerly pounce on the fridge awaiting a crisp cold one......................and there are none left.
I hear you Allana1313!
I hateTatelina's avatar. how can that spider keep spinning and getting no where, it's just not right, i stare and stare, and still can't work it out, and now my eyes hurt :p:p:p:p
I hate not being able to word what i want to say about lesbians without firstly getting an infraction and secondly being labelled so I won't say it :p
I hate waking up with mysterious pains that make everything uncomfortable.
I hate needing to leave my pets in the car of my (although well meaning) unexperienced mother whilst away.
I hate losing things in my room.
The mongrel who stole my shopping and all my tools out of my car tonight.
hope he chokes to death on it
I hate working night shifts and not being able to sleep until the sun comes up. Having 2 days off work and still not getting to sleep untill 6 in the morning. It is driving me nuts ( to put it a nice way, if I say what I really mean I think I would be kicked off).
i hate cats, wild pigs,rabbits,foxes,toads etc and the sydney roosters lol
I hate idiots who think if someone disagrees with them its a personal attack or something with bad intent.
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