Makes me sick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I don't see anything wrong with there being a law on piercings. Age 18, If kids want peircings let them wait till their 18. It wont kill them to wait a few years.
piecre or tatoos you should have too be old as the drinking laws to have it done , an a licence operator should have past health test and have no sexual asault charges or be of a clean record . and also a australian law all states to complie with that might sort some of the sickos out ps even theirs nothing wrong with tatts, just 18 is the law as in ya a adult but feed them to the crocks those 2 guys why not?
Yeah and, if I was a 13 yr old girl i would prefer a female to pierce me way more than I would a male. Just my opinion but not as any pedophiles are females as are males.

oh god no!
pretty much the ONLY person in melbourne i would trust to do complex piercings is pete from the piercing urge.

and like i said somewhere else, mods on minors is fine by me, but most reputable places won't do it, and its not worth getting done by someone dodgy.
so you are better off waiting till you are 18 just for someone good.

inkslinger, are you on iam, bme, or
I personally dont see how this has anything at all to do with the laws, the problem simply was there is someone on the planet who shouldnt be. If teenagers want tats or any piercings they should be able to get them done proffesionally, if they do it themselves(or go to dodgy scum) it can cause problems.
I personally dont see how this has anything at all to do with the laws, the problem simply was there is someone on the planet who shouldnt be. If teenagers want tats or any piercings they should be able to get them done proffesionally, if they do it themselves(or go to dodgy scum) it can cause problems.

more than agree....
but as long as the law is like that, i won't recomend places that will pierce you anyway, COUGH*** ice COUGH***, as they do really bad work, half the time i'd advise piercing yourself over going there.... SHUDDER!
just maybe we could wait and see if these ALLEGATIONS are proven in a court of law before we hang these men.

The reputation is well known.............. this is the first time that the victims have not been too frightened to come forward! They are not the only ones in the area (well a few suburbs over) guilty of it either.

The problems is the gangster attitude these people portray not unlike the mainstream pedophiles use fear to keep their victims quiet.
In my Personal opinion i dont see the need to peirce your private parts, i think it would hurt immencly, i dont mind any other peircing really but i just dont like the idea of genital peircings, and as for the tattoo, im only 16 but i have parental permission to get the tattoo, but either way i think 13 is a bit young for genital peircings or a tattoo, but i spose its better for them to get a peircing which can come out, then a permanent tattoo,
That's so wrong!
Grr there are so awful people in this world.
genital piercings are like all others, you put them there to decorate and enhance the beauty of the area, or to enhance the sensation... what the hell are 13 yr olds doing this for? and maybe im old fasioned, but where is parental supervision (after school or on the weekend i mean) the whole situation is messed up and it seems like there are many factors to take into account... and yes those two men should be beaten and shot.
where is parental supervision (after school or on the weekend i mean) the whole situation is messed up

You can't really blame the parents though...I mean they probably didn't even know!
I think it's pretty wrong for a 13 year old to even WANT a genital piercing. Kids these days, growing up so fast hahaha...
I dont see why they feel the need to grow up like that fast! 13yo's these days look like little barbie dolls, its digusting, theyre 13 not 18! What 13yo in their right mind would want a gential piercing! I think piercing laws should NOT be for over 18's though. Tats should be over 18, piercing under 18 and if under 16, parental conscent with parents there present while doing it. I got my nose, belly, ears, and top ear all done under 18yrs. I would never want a genital piercing. When i was under 16 i had parents with me too. These girls were asking for trouble you dont put yourself in that situation, they knew it was the wrong thing to do, thus doing it secretly. The 2 blokes on the otherhand should have their nads chopped off and then hung.
If it's true, then that's all kinds of wrong right there. :shock:

Frankly I can not see why a 13 year old would require a hood piercing unless she was sexually active and even with the parent present I would REFUSE!!! to do the procedure.

I can't see why anyone would need a hood piercing, but that might be the low pain threshold talking. :lol:
just shoot em =p or build a pit in which we throw all pedophiles =) with the albino tigers together in harmony =D
i have genital piercings, but as already mentioned, for asthetic purpouses.... when i was under 16 i wanted various facial piercings, my mum said no, and even though i was upset im now glad, as i would have ended up with holes everywhere!... then i rebelled and became a body piercer lol :)
Bloody low scumbags! If only there was a fitting punishment for their crimes. Unfortunatly even death doesn't seem bad enough for peds.
i have genital piercings, but as already mentioned, for asthetic purpouses.... when i was under 16 i wanted various facial piercings, my mum said no, and even though i was upset im now glad, as i would have ended up with holes everywhere!... then i rebelled and became a body piercer lol :)

Actually, the scarring from my nose piercings is minimal. :)
Bloody low scumbags! If only there was a fitting punishment for their crimes. Unfortunatly even death doesn't seem bad enough for peds.

yeah, because you know what happens when you have the death penalty for sexual crimes...
you find they just kill the victim afterwards.... after all in pedo/rape cases who is the main witness?

Actually, the scarring from my nose piercings is minimal. :)

yeah, of my 8 retired facial piercings you can see a little dot of only one of my brow holes!
i have bigger scars from paper cuts!
got my nipple done there afew years ago and remember heaps of young girls in the shop
...rot in hell guys
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