Who attended ANZAC commemorations

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DID you attend an ANZAC day service ???

  • Yes - Dawn Service

    Votes: 16 39.0%
  • Yes - Commemoration (Other)

    Votes: 4 9.8%
  • Yes - March

    Votes: 5 12.2%
  • No

    Votes: 16 39.0%

  • Total voters
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Very Well-Known Member
Dec 15, 2006
Reaction score
Redlands, SE Qld
How many of you attended ANZAC commemorations today??? What are your thoughts on ANZAC day?
nope... i had to go to uni... and get paid double time.... but we did our minutes silence.
anzac day is a great day,to pay respect for the people who fought for our country
How many of you attended ANZAC commemorations today??? What are your thoughts on ANZAC day?
it is the most importent day of the year every aussie sould of done something to commemerate the diggers i was part of the service as i am a rifleman in the reserves
We went to the kallangar parade to watch my grandfather in the march, ended up letting my 4yr old march with him as well. My grandfather was so proud to have him march beside him as it's been many years since I did it lol. My son actually told me before he left that he wasn't going to march he was going to slide all the way cause he had spiderman shoes on :), instead he marched alongside great grandpop and did the thumbs up to everyone lol. There wasn't as many there marching this year mostly school kids :(. Next year we will go to the city parade again.
Myself being in the army along with my husband and My grandfather and his father I went to the Dawn service in Darwin...... Lest We Forget
My thoughts on ANZAC day are of the slaughter of young men, that war is.
The young brave souls who at the sound of a countries 'leaders' will drop what they are doing
and fight for a cause that they sometimes do not even understand, in a Country that they have never even heard of.
My thoughts on ANZAC day are of these 'leaders' who are willing to send brave young souls to their death for a cause, that is sometimes, highly questionable.
My thoughts on ANZAC day are of the Fears that Drive us.
And my thoughts are with the brave Mothers, Fathers, Partners, Brothers, Sisters and Children who see a loved one go to war and who never comes back........
These are my thoughts.
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Yeah I go to The Dawn Service every year. I remember when I was a lot younger my parents used to wake me up at 4:00am and I really didn’t want to go but we always went with my grandfather and grandmother. Now I actually look forward to going… And I’m not even sure what it is exactly. I just think it’s important that the tradition continues forever and doesn’t just turn into “another day off” as I really believe that it is something far more important then just a public holiday. That’s just my two cents though as I realise everyone is entitled to spend ANZAC Day as they wish.
I had to work today so didnt get to anything today but went to a service last night (my daughter was taking part in a re enactment). Would have liked to have gone to something day but just couldnt
My thoughts on ANZAC day are of the slaughter of young men, that war is.
The young brave souls who at the sound of a countries 'leaders' will drop what they are doing
and fight for a cause that they sometimes do not even understand, in a Country that they have never even heard of.
My thoughts on ANZAC day are of these 'leaders' who are willing to send brave young souls to their death for a cause, that is sometimes, highly questionable.
My thoughts on ANZAC day are of the Fears that Drive us.
And my thoughts are with the brave Mothers, Fathers, Partners, Brothers, Sisters and Children who see a loved one go to war and who never comes back........
These are my thoughts.

Lest we forget
got down to watch the march in adelaide, was a great crowd!

my brother and some friends were in it and my girlfriends grandpa
i did nothing except be reminded why i want to kill everyone that says "mateship"
what exactly IS "mateship".... when people explain it to me its what i used to consider "decent normal human being", until we stopped having them anyway.
what a croc of political posturing...

and ANZAC spirit? again, what is that? the spirit of being deluded into fighting a war for a country that isn't ours (btw, i have english residency and i still don't understand), and getting slaughtered because of incompetant commanders?
thats anzac spirit?
i mean sure, the guys who didn't come back deserve respect coz it was an utter waste, and the guys that did come back deserve it for having to live through it.
but that applies to all sodliers, the anzacs weren't the first -or last- to be pointlessy killed in combat.

the political point scoring over stupid terminology...

mateship.... don't make me sick....

and the whole "they gave us freedom, and died for us" again, without belittling the,, they didn't freedom was never something an australian died for...
and while they fought for us, they didnt do it like hoWARd implies... they, like all conscripts, were conned, pressured, or humiliated into service.
The gov't (keeping in mind our law says that the current gov't is responsible for the actions of all that preceeded it) owes our returned servicemen sympathy and respect.
they have no right to use it to point score, and use ridiculous jargon to do it with.

oh, and when i was growing up... i remember "lest we forget" not anzac spirit and mateship.
i thought that was sposed to mean we shouldn't forget the needless slaughter of BOYS, so we don't do it again....
did our politicians get a typo'd version and think it said "best we forget" and then use it for their own gains, and to justify an unjust massacre we are helping to perpetrate.

rant over....
flame away....
and ANZAC spirit? again, what is that? the spirit of being deluded into fighting a war for a country that isn't ours (btw, i have english residency and i still don't understand), and getting slaughtered because of incompetant commanders?
thats anzac spirit?
what would happen if we didnt go to lend a hand to our allies that need it!! if one day we need them they wouldnt be there if we werent their for them.... and lets face it we would be stuffed on our own!

but that applies to all sodliers, the anzacs weren't the first -or last- to be pointlessy killed in combat.
have you never been to an anzac day march? its not ALL about the diggers from WWI and WWII, it recocnises all millitary personell that have contributed to the country, the world wars, vietnam, timor and the middle east just to name the obvious!

oh, and when i was growing up... i remember "lest we forget" not anzac spirit and mateship.
i thought that was sposed to mean we shouldn't forget the needless slaughter of BOYS, so we don't do it again....
did our politicians get a typo'd version and think it said "best we forget" and then use it for their own gains, and to justify an unjust massacre we are helping to perpetrate.
i agree with you here.... although i havent heard (or taken notice of) people using the terms "mateship" or "anzac spirit" but then i dont wath the news, not a big fan of the media..... but i can see them twisting and distorting a whole lot!
I go to the dawn service every year without fail. I have a great deal of respect for the sacrifices people have made for the country, and always get goosebumps and a tear in the eye during the last post.
got down to watch the march in adelaide, was a great crowd!

my brother and some friends were in it and my girlfriends grandpa

one of the pics i got that wasnt bad.... my brother and one of his mates are the 2 people in the centre of the pic

I went to all of the services as my partner is in the Army and I'm ex it would be against what both of us believe in not to go.

Lest we forget
my fiance and i went to the dawn service in sydney for the first time - it was great. apart from it being strangely beautiful to be in the city at 4am in complete silence with thousands of other people, it was great to feel part of our country's heritage.

being such a young nation we don't have many peculiarly aussie traditions and even though anzac day is sad, it gave me a real feeling of patriotism just being there. it upset me a bit hearing people talking through the last post though - if you're gonna bother going, why the hell would you show that kind of disrespect and talk through it?

anyway, after the dawn service we were drinking beer at 5am and rubbing shoulders with many different servicemen and women and bands and bagpipers and all sorts in the pub - how much more aussie can you get! it was worth getting up at 2am, just to see it all once. we stayed for nearly the whole march as well and even though the rain made the whole day a bit uncomfortable, i enjoyed it.
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