10 flagrant grammar mistakes

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I'm a bit of a pedant myself, so I'm happy that's been posted. But the things that really bother me are the very common misspellings that proliferate: like "my hatchie keeps stricking at me" or "my new snake arrives tomorrow and I'm so exited!"

I'm not even going to start on SMS speak .........


Haha, I think there are people on here able to incorporate all of those into one post.
i think i do pretty well... i try.... does that not count at all :(

some odd substitutions there though...
I thought this website was a forum for herp keepers and their needs, not about the standard of spelling and grammar. I thought school finished early December.
You never finish school. It just takes on different forms throughout your life.


My dad is a primary school teacher, and often has been seen correcting signs in stores, items on cafe menus etc.
I remember writing him an unhappy note some time ago, his reply was the same note, with grammatical and spelling errors corrected (Obviously not the reply I was looking for).
For me, it starts in March :D

Gotta love how lazy universities are :)
On a forum such as this, I do not think spelling or grammer should be an issue, as long as the message gets across there is not a problem.
Not everyone on the forum has English as their first language or has an education standard the same as others.
I dont think a little lattitude here would hurt.
Oh, I also posted the web address to my dad, for his morning pleasure.
It will possibly make his day that I thought of sending it to him! LOL
I thought school finished early December.

Unfortunately that is what kids these days think. The reality is that education continues throughout life.

.....and yes this forum is for "herp keepers and their needs". However understanding some of those "herp keepers" is sometimes difficult. Hence why I figured this link would/could/should be appropriate.

The only one there that i have a small problem with is affect or effect. I have a pet hate for people who try to use big words to sound smart but use them in the wrong context. Last night one of my mates was trying to tell me that perogative means mission or aim. Nah Uh it means decision! And my other is apostrophe s... still sorta learning that one myself. Oh and people who use to where they should be using too.

And (i shouldn't start a sentence with and... oops) yes learning goes on through out our lives. Infact the school curriculum that i work with in the NT has a whole section on life long learning... Kind of annoying but definately true.
Thats like the saying I had a "near miss". In my book that means that you got hit. A "near hit" would be more like it if it missed you right ;)
I thought this website was a forum for herp keepers and their needs, not about the standard of spelling and grammar. I thought school finished early December.

Even herp keepers need to be able to spell and use grammar correctly :)

Unfortunately that is what kids these days think. The reality is that education continues throughout life.

.....and yes this forum is for "herp keepers and their needs". However understanding some of those "herp keepers" is sometimes difficult. Hence why I figured this link would/could/should be appropriate.


Education does continue throughout life, but a different sort of education. I'm fortunate to work in a dynamic environment which is constantly changing and very challenging. I dread to think what it would be like to have a 6 month break then come back to work :( I'd be like a fish out of water. If I learn one new thing a day, I'm a happy man. I don't mean learning that the apostrophe shoud go before the s, there are far more important things in my opinion. Syntax is only (IMO) important to people who write code, where the position of the comma or period is paramount. If you can convey your message without causing too much pain to the recipient, then you have achieved your objective. If you are an English teacher or an academic, the statement I just made is a crock ;)

Technical people don't care too much about grammar.
On a forum such as this, I do not think spelling or grammer should be an issue, as long as the message gets across there is not a problem.
Not everyone on the forum has English as their first language or has an education standard the same as others.
I dont think a little lattitude here would hurt.

You can learn to spell simply by reading books (You can pick these up at your local library for free by the way.) Sure some of the younger members may have an excuse for the occasional missed apostrophe or for spelling a long word incorrectly but the only truly valid excuse for horrible spelling and grammar for people of, let’s say 12 years of age and up, is if they have not been using the English language all their life.
Interesting point Veredus. I'd be very interested in statistics about literacy rates in say 1970 compared to those of the current generation of young people. I come from a split language family and spent my first 4 years of life in Japan. Luckily for me, my mother would only speak in Japanese when she swore :) I can swear in Japanese like a drunken sailor (come to think of it, being a former sailor I do quite a good job in English.) My high school in Melbourne had 1400 students and less than a dozen of them were Australian. I had some good laughs as a youngster seeing people arrive from overseas and struggle learning English. To their credit, they put their collective shoulders to the grindstone, overcame the language barrier and excelled academically. I have the greatest respect for these people.
Well i make the choice to make sure my use of english is as correct as possible. I know i miss the occasional capital letter, but that is because my shift button doesn't always work.

But i will make this point, it is a fact that after we learn a word we do not actually read each letter in it, but we recognise the shape and other attributes such as length. This is why spelling is important, it makes reading a text so much easier. Even if the letters on the inside are jubmled up, as long as the word contains the correct letters we can still read it ealisy :). Whereas if we spell a word wrong such as imfomashon (information- with wrong spelling) it fragments our reading and makes it more difficult.
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