10 flagrant grammar mistakes

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Whats sad is that somebody found this on a google search (what were they looking for lol).
Whats even sadder is that many others have also read it regardless of how lame and off topic it is.
And even sadder yet is that people have took the time to make comments about it.

All I have to say on the matter is "I have a belly button" :)
JandC, there should be a full stop between button and and the " fix this up and it you get full marks. :)
I started in a job with the government just over a decade ago which involved writing reports. I had a supervisor affectionately nicknamed shredder as he would make so many corrections to your reports, he would literally shred them. After several weeks working there - and many thousands of corrections made by my supervisor - I handed in a blank piece of paper stating it would be easier for him if I just handed in a blank piece of paper and he write the report. He took the point and never corrected my work again. Nit picking can be quite annoying and insulting. Not everyone is afforded the luxury of a degree in English. Personal circumstances make it necessary for some to start work at a young age. Both my sister and I dropped out of school at 16 years of age because of my mothers' unrealistic expectations. If I brought back a B on my report card, I would be flogged and made to sleep on the porch for everyone to see "the failure." I don't blame my mother one bit. She is a victim of circumstance and the same unrealistic expectations were also thrust upon her (the Japanese expect perfection.) Fortunately as adults my sister and I decided to pursue further education. It was very hard but the reward was worth it. This is a good thread, appropriately placed in the chit chat section.
Dear Isk67,
Thanks for the compliment. Alas my "young kid" days were long ago. Since then i have gained a trade, a degree and a great deal of tolerance. Tolerance for people who did not have the opportunities that i had, or people who are not able to live as we do. Some people may not be able to spell............. Who cares............
Sit back, relax and let your cares float away.

Cheers, from another sailor.
Not quite full marks,
"And even sadder yet is that people have took the time to make comments about it." it should in fact be 'taken' not 'took'.

JandC, there should be a full stop between button and and the " fix this up and it you get full marks. :)
If you post something, then you probably think it is important or interesting. And if you think it is important or interesting you no doubt want people to read it. Perhaps you are not a perfect English scholar, but if you atleast put in some effort to be intelligible and easily readable then it will be obvious and appreciated, even if the odd typo occurs.

What infuriates me is people who are so lazy and inconsiderate that they can not even be bothered with basic punctuation, capital letters and writing whole words rather than using text speak. From what I have noticed, it is often the younger members, who might be requesting information or assistance, who write in this way. I have noticed entire posts written like this!

This is to their detriment as I know that numerous experienced and knowledgable members simply refuse to read anything they write simply because it is so difficult and time consuming to translate.

So while this is a herp forum and not an English class, it would be nice if people showed some consideration for others and atleast put in a little effort. A fullstop at the end of a sentence. An capital letter in its right place. A question mark at the end of a question. I find it hard to believe that these members are not aware of these things. Is it so hard to use them????
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If you post something, then you probably think it is important or interesting. And if you think it is important or interesting you no doubt want people to read it. Perhaps you are not a perfect English scholar, but if you atleast put in some effort to be intelligible and easily readable then it will be obvious and appreciated, even if the odd typo occurs.

What infuriates me is people who are so lazy and inconsiderate that they can not even be bothered with basic punctuation, capital letters and writing whole words rather than using text speak. From what I have noticed, it is often the younger members, who might be requesting information or assistance, who write in this way. I have noticed entire posts written like this!

This is to their detriment as I know that numerous experienced and knowledgable members simply refuse to read anything they write simply because it is so difficult and time consuming to translate.

So while this is a herp forum and not an English class, it would be nice if people showed some consideration for others and atleast put in a little effort. A fullstop at the end of a sentence. An capital letter in its right place. A question mark at the end of a question. I find it hard to believe that these members are not aware of these things. Is it so hard to use them????

Well said. There has been a few threads now that I have clicked on and haven't bothered to read because they are too hard to work out.
lol i was at a chinese food shop and the receipt said down the bottom:


i said to them, is that supposed to be design?
she just blinked at me then walked off.....

im a bit of a dragon (if you will excuse the pun) for spelling and grammar, i allways correct ppl unless im typing on a forum, or an sms
I'm a bit of a pedant myself, so I'm happy that's been posted. But the things that really bother me are the very common misspellings that proliferate: like "my hatchie keeps stricking at me" or "my new snake arrives tomorrow and I'm so exited!"

I'm not even going to start on SMS speak .........



Those type of things bother me aswell... I just remind myself that there are young members online.. Isn't there an 8 year old learning lots around here?
lol i was at a chinese food shop and the receipt said down the bottom:


i said to them, is that supposed to be design?
she just blinked at me then walked off.....

im a bit of a dragon (if you will excuse the pun) for spelling and grammar, i allways correct ppl unless im typing on a forum, or an sms

Oh don't get me started on Asain shops/restaurants/cafes and their sometimes poor translations and spellings! The amount of times that I have politely and gently informed them of a grammatical or spelling error that they have just shrugged off is amazing!
If I was in a foreign country and I wrote something incorrectly I would like to be told so I could correct it and learn!! I don't understand some people...
Oh don't get me started on Asain shops/restaurants/cafes and their sometimes poor translations and spellings! The amount of times that I have politely and gently informed them of a grammatical or spelling error that they have just shrugged off is amazing!
If I was in a foreign country and I wrote something incorrectly I would like to be told so I could correct it and learn!! I don't understand some people...

We created a layout for a particular Chinese restaurant's menu. It was proof read and declared perfect.

We were then asked by the client to have the spelling of several of the words changed.

Mate get over it. Why try and make people into your vision of what they should be. Maybe your education was good, but some people don't have that luxury. Young people come here to get advice not to be preached to from the pulpit.

Communication is an essential skill for survival and success. The more pedantic the site becomes about spelling, grammar etc, the better skills we create for next generation herpers to communicate with other people both outside the hobby and inside.

Spelling and grammar do matter, and some of the posts over the past couple of months have been undecipherable to the point it just makes the posts not worth reading or responding to.

Irrespective of education level, written and oral communication skills are things which no individual can do without, and so by trying to improve the standard across the board then especially the kids will have a better ability to communicate with the world.
What bothers me is people calling stimsons pythons, stimpsons pythons.
If all the kids on here could just learn the difference between:

- their
- there, and
- they're

then this thread would have been worthwhile and they will have learned something important for life. Yes, I mean important, because the commercial world makes judgements on things as simple as that.

Also, one day, they'll be sitting and helping their children with homework and will know the right answer instead of giving a "great wall of China was built to keep the rabbits out" type answer.

You never, ever, stop learning.
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