1080 Kills NZ Natives.

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Well in Tasmaania there are no foxes, they (Gunns) use it to bait herbivores, specifically Roos, Wallabys,possums,native rats and rabbits(the only NON NATIVE) They do this not to control a feral population, but to kill anything that is in that area that Gunns have raped. They actually lace carrots with 1080.Bastards.
Farmers must, by law, put up signs when using 1080. But 1080 travels. Foxes cart it off, eagles & hawks that pick up dead/ dying animals who have consumed 1080 fly off with it and regardless of whether an animal is baited on purpose or unlawfully the fact remains. It is the WORST possible method of death. It terrifies the animal concerned, it exhausts the animals affected, it is excruciatingly painful, it is NOT a quick death [ my shepherd took approx 20 mins after having been " not right" for part of the afternoon} ] and it is not possible to call it humane in any way, shape or form. It is NOT the "better of two evils". I have not seen myxy with rabbits so cannot comment but I am familiar with 1080. Nothing can compare with what an animal goes through when it has this heinous bait in it's system.
I feel for the animals.....I really do , but what else would you suggest at the moment ?shooting doesnt work as the animals that are to be shot, work out very quickly whats happening and take off.........and as far as your dog being baited ,I am sorry for that but if you were aware of 1080 being used ,then it was up to you to check your property for any bait that may have been dropped by an animals it was intended for.........if you werent told about the baits then you should be able to do something about that .......I chain my dogs on a run ,if bait drops, for at least a week or two after... and then check for any dumped carcus........before letting my dogs free run again........fortunatly 1080 drops are not very common where I am so the inconveniance isnt that much of a problem .other then the obvious the doggy poo that accumulates while on the run ,they seem to go so much more :(
Its a simple case of the real practical need to control the animals outweighing the emotional arguement that it is cruel. To suggest no effort is put into more improving current methods and developing more effective target specific control methods is comletely false, there is plenty of room for improvement.

Rat bait is probably just as bad or worse, i wonder how many use it simply because it is the easiest and cheapest method. It would be responsible for far more suffering than 1080, just think how many rodents there are vs large pests.
Not to mention the animals that eat those rodents either cris. Theres a lot of those as well, snakes owls, and other raptors.
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