9mth beardie lays 20 eggs!

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Active Member
Oct 4, 2009
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Hi Guys,

We got our babies in September last year so they are about 9/10 months old now. We suspected one was female and pregnant when she started getting obesely fat (i knew it wasnt just food). Last night just before bed, she was digging digging digging and what do you know, 20 eggs were laid!

We put them in a tub and kept them on warm paper towel over night in the tank and went and bought an incubator this morning. THe eggs are still in the cage until the incubator regulates.

Do you think we might have some babies come through or do you think its not likely considering the mothers age? We didnt intend to breed and to be honest didnt know we had male and female as they were so young when we bought them. but hey, thats the way it goes.

If anyone has any advise, please let us know........

The pic if of the eggs before we transferred them to the sandwich tub.

THanks guys,

hey i have no idea about beardies, but congratulations =] hopefully there are some viable eggs...
depends, just a question was she gravid when you got her or did you let her mate?? if you let her mate IMHO that was a bad choice because both are still to young and it MAY affect her in the future. if you bought her and she was gravid...well not much you can do, do loads of research and speak to breeders but if they are male and female please keep them separate as you don't want this to happen again until the female is ready,if you are new to the reptile keeping hobby as my friend and mentor tells me (she gets lots of phone calls) 'the only dumb question is the one not asked' so ask, search on here, google and don't be afraid to PM
Yeah we bought one this morning and we are just waiting for the temp to stabilise. Fingers crossed at least 1 survives!
well I think its exciting , sure you didnt mean for it to happen but it did so YAY ! As Lambert said she might be abit young but hay if she did it in captivity wouldnt they have done so in the wild ???

I hope you get lots of gorgeous lil baby beardy's ! and as Mattybx said if your selling them Pm me too :)
ohh im not upset or anything, its babies of course im happy but i just think the surrounding circumstances are wrong. i really hope they are viable and you get ittie bitties but use it as a learning curve.
Hey Kristian101! :)

Firstly, I'm not going to "tell you off", we just have to deal with this situation as it stands now...

Are you prepared to find homes for 20 babies - IF they all sell? If so, read on...

Are you prepared to INDIVIDUALLY house 20 babies if they DON'T sell (that's 20 enclosures, all with heat and UV)? If so, read on...

When your incubator is ready (set temps between 27 and 31), prepare a lidded, air-tight tub (or two or three) with moist vermiculite at a 50/50 mix vermiculite/water ratio, place the eggs in individual "divets" in the medium, being VERY careful not to roll them. Place the eggs pink spot up if you can, or EXACTLY as they were laid. Place tub/s on the middle shelf of your incubator. Within a week (don't check them before then), you will know if they will be viable. Those that aren't may have white fluffy mould growing around them, or look yellowish and badly deflated. If they still look white, but dented/deflated, carefully mist the vermiculite around the egg/s (this means the moisture content in the medium isn't sufficient), to "start again". Then get back to us here!

Lastly, I'm unsure of the circumstances surrounding this issue, but PLEASE separate your dragons RIGHT NOW. Yes, that means setting up another enclosure, with heat and UV. Considering this little lady's age, if you wish to breed with her in the future, please wait until she is two years old, and keep your fingers crossed that this early experience of hers won't be detrimental to her future.

If you have any other queries, flick me a PM and I'll get back to you asap.

Good luck, and keep us posted!

Thanks everyone for your feedback, much appreciated. We seperated them last night and have the male "flash" in another tank all set up so he's none too happy but he'll be ok. Little lady "lightening" is looking ok, she's a bit on the quiet side but she's eaten and she's nice and warm so all good there i think - we'll keep an eye on her.

Re the eggies, we used rubber gloves to move them over and we placed them in their new tub exactly as we found them so fingers crossed there too!

Its all a bit of a guessing game and learning curve, as i said before, we didnt intend to breed them, we didnt actually know we had a male and female - apparently we have randy teenagers for pets! hehe. Matty BX ands Torah, yes we do intend to sell them once they come through (assuming they do come through) and once theyve eaten etc etc - theres no way we can set up 20 enclosures - the landlady already had a fit when we told her about the current zoo we have!

Will keep you all posted on how we go!

Thanks again,

good to hear!!! yes my boy is on the randy side as well as shedding ...teenagers hey :)
They look like healthy eggs Kristian so good luck with them and read up about beardie incubation periods and check to see if the eggs are viable they should be
Naw, shucks! :oops:

Geez, now I'm REALLY embarrassed! :) Thanks guys! :oops:
well you taught me sooo much, and never mind when i ring like 100 times a day (ok slight exaggeration there may be more like 2-3 plus the 100's of sms' LMAO)
well you taught me sooo much, and never mind when i ring like 100 times a day (ok slight exaggeration there may be more like 2-3 plus the 100's of sms' LMAO)

Only too happy to help! We all have to start somewhere, and I'm more than happy to share what I have learnt over the years!
Matty BX ands Torah, yes we do intend to sell them once they come through (assuming they do come through) and once theyve eaten etc etc - theres no way we can set up 20 enclosures - the landlady already had a fit when we told her about the current zoo we have!

What if they don't sell? Something to think about before you incubate those eggs.
What if they don't sell? Something to think about before you incubate those eggs.

what do you suggest he do with 20 CBD eggs that MAY or MAY NOT be viable????

there have been people offering to buy hatchlings and i for one would take one (as a last resort of course) but they can be sold on places like gumtree (god i love gumtree), trading post, herp trader etc

theres endless possiblities *facepalm* just have to think outside the square a little
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