Ackie or something else?

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Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2012
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I'm almost finished my enclosure I'm building for my first monitor the whole time I've been pretty much set on an ackie but as I'm close to the finish I'm starting to think of other possible monitors for a first timer with the species the enclosure is 1700 x600x600 any suggestions? Something's that decent to handle
Iv got Pygmy Mulga or Gillens, whatever one wants to call them at the time. Iv got 4 in a 6ft by 2 by 2. They are pretty cool little dudes. Im not big on handling if my herp doesnt seem up for it, im happier if they just trust me enough to hassle me for food while i clean out the tank.
Once they settle in they have a ton of personality and decently active. Pretty cool to watch for me, but iv always wanted some.
I cant comment on how ackies are though as i havent had one...yet, give me another 3 months and thatll change.
ackies are awesome great monitors that can still pack a punch, if you do want to get into bigger monitors one day i would def start here, or you could go a baby sandy, just make sure you have deep substrate whatever monitor you decide to go for as they love to dig!
If handling is your thing you are best to go with ackies! With that enclosure it will probably best suit ackies or gillens, but gillens are more of a "see but don't touch" type.
Ackie ackie ackie. I have three and they are all lovely! Super active, good to handle, love them to bits, can't recommend them highly enough.
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