Anaconda for sale

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Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2004
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I was just looking at trading post online (melbourne) and there is a 21 ft anaconda for sale for $1500. It says no time wasters so i didnt bother ringing. It could be for real as some people in vic have exotic licenses but could be another good ruse as well.
yeah but even if he has an exotic licence he'd have to find someone else with one to sell it to! the department search the trading post i think so he'll probably get investigated :?
My thoughts exactly!! lol!
But apparently if you have an 'exhibitors license' you can keep a lot of things... But I didn't know that exotics would be included.
But tell me - what would you do with a 21ft snake?? Personally, if I was still at school, I would be tempted to put a harness on it and terrorise the teachers!!
Lol!! Sick and stupid - I know!! hehehehe
I saw a story on a bloke who had some hugens and he converted his basement in a habitat and kept them in there. It sounded like an awesome and financially crucifying setup.
If he has an exotic keepers license then he is not allowed to sell or breed it as I understand.
I could be wrong as I dont live in Vic but it comes under the Federal Act.
I dont think mobile zoo exhibitors can keep exotics. Im sure a zoo would take it though.
You are correct peter the victorian exotic license stipulates the animals cannot be bred or disposed of.
It sounds like a massive wind up to me and they seem to catch quite a few everytime. You can't trade exotics on a private licence and at 21 feet it would probably be the biggest anywhere in captivity, I think we might have heard of it's existence before now. :)
Amazing how many people take these ads seriously. Every now and again people put in silly ads. Sometimes they are put up by people wanting to be trouble makers, some people just have too much time on their hands and some people just have overactive senses of humour.

A few Tyranosaurus rex have been advertised over the years, sometimes they are stubborn feeders etc. I once put an ad in for a fuzzy kwumpledump, something along the lines of "great pet, easy to care for, very affectionate, gets on well with cats, dogs and other pets $15". I put the phone number of the office at school, it ran hot for days. You might find that the number of the anaconda ad is for DSE or something.
RE: Re: RE: Anaconda for sale

I'm just trying to think if there is anyone in particular I hate

That's an old Sdaji trick :D (I'm sure I'm not the only one to use it of course). I'm surprised it's used to rarely and amazed that it is so effective when it is used. I suppose it's pretty easy to play with most peoples' minds. Make sure you use this one wisely and sparingly ;)

By the way, would anyone like to buy a fuzzy kwumpledump? They make great pets..... just call moosenoose, his has just had babies.
RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: Anaconda for sale

Psst! Hatchling drop bears anyone? cheap! :D
It's a shame that it has come up for sale now because I love Anacondas but I really don't have any room for more of them, I suppose if I moved the Retics over and squeezed it in between them and the Burmese but then I would have to hunt further afield as I have managed to catch all the local cats, might have to move up to dogs ?
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