Another Profesional Newbie!!

Aussie Pythons & Snakes Forum

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New Member
May 23, 2013
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Hi guys, after a week of my emails playing up i have finally been able to join! I'm a mass snake fanatic love all pythons.

I currently have:

10 year old Diamond python
5 year old hypomalanistic python
5 year old spotted python

And will have more as I go :)

Hope I can be of use to this community and help out Cheers!
Firstly welcome to the site . Can I ask what you mean by professional newbie? Is it because you have been keeping snakes for a long time? Also what sort of hypo do you have?
If you want to get or give advice its helpful to fill in your location on your profile.
Welcome to the forum! Can't wait for some piccies 8)
Firstly welcome to the site . Can I ask what you mean by professional newbie? Is it because you have been keeping snakes for a long time? Also what sort of hypo do you have?

Haha well i have had snakes for 3 years now owned by myself but have had snakes for over 10 years so could class myself as a professional and a newbie as a newly joined member :)

If you want to get or give advice its helpful to fill in your location on your profile.

and yeah i will fill my location out tonight as i had a busy night didnt get around to it.

Hope to be of use to people on here.
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