Any way over this? - FILE SIZE ON ATTACHMENTS

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Almost Legendary
Jan 24, 2003
Reaction score
Melbourne West
Trying to attach a pic to my new for sale ad and got this message?

Sorry, but the maximum filesize for all Attachments is reached. Please contact the Board Administrator if you have questions.
RE: Any way over this?

Smartass Moosey :) Yeah I'm an admin but these boxes with buttons ain't me strong point lad. Don't have time to work them out cos I've got more than one snake :) :) :)
RE: Any way over this?

oooow the bitch bites!
RE: Any way over this?

Send em to me ill post em for ya :wink:
RE: Any way over this?

I can't post anything either. Tried to put pics of my new forest dragon on and can't

Re: RE: Any way over this?

africancichlidau said:
Smartass Moosey :) Yeah I'm an admin but these boxes with buttons ain't me strong point lad. Don't have time to work them out cos I've got more than one snake :) :) :)

Classic :lol: :lol: :lol:
RE: Re: RE: Any way over this?

yeah i tried to put pics of my pink tongues on and couldnt
RE: Re: RE: Any way over this?

I have the same thing happening afro so i have to upload and link from my gallery,it's a pain in the rectum and reckons i've used up all my space or some crap...since when is there a limit to the amount of photos you can post?
RE: Re: RE: Any way over this?

I think there is an upload limit, was just wondering if you went through some old posts and deleted them whether it would free up some space or whatever?
RE: Re: RE: Any way over this?

I think it is the sites limit as its happened to everyone
RE: Re: RE: Any way over this?

there is a limit for pic sizes just rezise it in paint or whatever, the file size i use is usually about 120kb anything higher and it comes up the same message
RE: Re: RE: Any way over this?

I think there is an upload limit, was just wondering if you went through some old posts and deleted them whether it would free up some space or whatever?

This issue came up last year with someone else and if I remember correctly, you have to delete some of your old pics before posting new ones :)
RE: Re: RE: Any way over this?

Yep - you're absolutely right! There's an upload limit of 12MB on the forums! I've been worrying about this happening for some time, as more and more people are posting large pics in the forums. Really, the ability to add pics to threads is meant for SMALL pictures, where necessary, to illustrate a point in a topic, not for general picture posting. Don't get me wrong, I love seeing a lot of the photos you guys post, but I think there's a better way to do it.

I've said it before - I reckon you are better off uploading to your gallery and then putting a link to the photo in your posts. That way, you can always re-link to the same photo in a later post without taking up any extra space.

As your post becomes old, it moves down, down, down the list and eventually dissolves into the mists of time! Well, not really, but you see my point? It still takes up space, but no-one looks at it any more.

It IS possible to delete all posts older than a specified number of days, but one of the nice things about keeping historical stuff is that the whole database of posts is searchable, which allows members to search out information they might need.

It is also possible to increase the space allowance, but as Slatey and Slateman Junior have to pay for disk storage, I'll have to check with them to see if it is ok to increase the limits. I'll get back to you on that.

In the meantime, until we sort this out, use the gallery link method for now. If you don't have a photo gallery, PM me and I'll set one up for you.

To link to a photo, use the IMG and URL options:

[ URL ]path to the picture [ /URL ]

[ URL ][ /URL]
- (remove the spaces in the square brackets)

To display a photo in your gallery in a post use :
[ IMG ]path to the picture [ /IMG]

[ IMG][ /IMG ]
- (remove the spaces in the square brackets)

To get the path, display the picture you want to use, then right-click it and copy the Address section.

Examples :


Another option is to find old posts with attachments and PM or email the URL to me. I'll then delete that post (or just the attachment, if I can figure out how to do that!).

Just go to the thread with the pictures and copy the address (URL) in the ADDRESS bar at the top of your browser. Paste that into the PM or email. For email use the Contact Us button on the menu at the left of your screen.

Oh yes..... when creating a post, you can see all the possible commands you can use to enhance your post by clicking on the BBCode link under OPTIONS on the left.

P.S. Until I've heard back from SJ or Slatey, I've increased everyone's
limit by 2MB for the time being. Watch those pic sizes, everyone please!
RE: Re: RE: Any way over this?

The other option, if you have your own web space is to put the pic - as big as you like, somewhere on the public Internet and include it in your post using the img tag.
RE: Re: RE: Any way over this?

Good suggestion, Herptrader! Just make sure that the item that link points to is YOURS! It's illegal to post a photo that you don't own, unless you have the owner's permission.
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