Anywhere to buy MA in Ipswich?

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Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2007
Reaction score
West Brisbane
So, I sent a MA application to the epa with $3 cash (just didn't see the point in spending an extra $3 for a postal check), they called and said there was no payment with it even though I made sure it was snug and wasn't going to fall out.

Just wondering if there are any pet stores in the Ipswich area that sell MA's? Would rather get all the info done this weekend rather then waiting and posting off another application to the epa to maybe not get it..

You will have to buy a Movement Advice from the EPA - unless a friend or someone will "lend" you one
possibly the person your getting your animal from
I would give you one if I had any atm (I am wating for mine from the EPA) :)
There's a place in Moggill on Priors Pocket Road that sells them, you would have to get the ferry over the river.
You can also buy them with a credit card over the phone, and they post them straight out to you.
Thanks guys :)

Is that the Epa or pet store that takes credit card details saz? Do you have a number by any chance?

It's the EPA, I don't think pet stores sell them. The place in Moggill is an EPA wildlife centre.

Haha thanks saz

Just called them and they said they don't sell them :| I was also told from someone at the office in Brisbane that petstores sell them! Damn eepa, giving me the royal run around
Just call them and say you want to buy movement advices, they will ask for your credit card details and process it there and then, they always send a receipt for payment with the advices. Call again and speak to someone else.

Thanks saz, just got it done then, a few mintues before closing, phew! Who would of thought a $2.75 piece of paper gave me this much trouble..:)
I just go to my local office and buy 20 or 30 at a time.
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