Are my diaonds mating?

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Very Well-Known Member
Jun 7, 2007
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Sydney, New South Wales
i can now say that my female diamond (only her) hasn't eaten for a good 5 weeks! She doesnt even look A BIT interested even though her temps around above 25C. i really dont know what to do and i think its because she thinks shes going into hibernation cause she is with a male (yet she is way to small to breed). How long can they go withought eating and also not losing too much weight?any help would be great!
they can go quite a while without eating..... perhaps she is stressed.... why do you keep them together?
Does she have a hide box?Try getting the male out.My Diamonds are always hungry so would be leaning towards stress.
yeh ok.. well me and dad are planning to make her own big enclosure now so she should have it in roughly 4 weeks.. but im guessing she wont eat for another 5-6 months (or until next summer) by the way she is going..
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