bearded dragon hatchlings wont eat

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if its only two day old dont stress yet. they can take up to a week to eat. just keep trying if its not eating withing a few days maybe try some baby food that he can lick of your finger just to get his tummy wanitng some food.
cathy1986 - when there in there eggs they absorb the yolk this yolk provides them with there food for the next few days.
most wont eat within a few day they will slowly get hungry.

how many hatched !
i have found at the 2 day mark the beardies still havnt worked out that the crickets are food , all the beardies iv hatched still run away from the crickets at 2 days old .
As already said they wont start eating for a few days, even up to and over a week, just make sure you mist him and his tank twice a day and keep trying, also offer chopped up dandelion flowers
Did you buy it or breed it?
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