Blue Tongue's Favourite Foods

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blue tongues seem to eat everything lol
not true so dont feed them everything it just seems like they do lol.
Meant they only eat grapes and snails. Would never give them brocholi or cauliflour as its not good for them
You should make sure your blue tongue skink gets a balance of fruit, vegies, greens and meat everyday.

my blue tongue is on a strict healthy diet. at the moment, every day she will get a mix of raspberries and mango (fruit), golden squash (vegies), endive (greens), small amount of cat food and two superworms (meat).(every third day i mix in red cabbage)

If you are going to feed them cat/dog food, it's best to give them cat food, its better for them and smells better too! check the labels and only buy 100% meat brands, and NO FISH. I buy single packets of whiskas chicken and vegetable, and keep it in the fridge. I always chop all the greens, vegies and fruits into small diced pieces, or finely choped, and mix it into her meat, that way she eats them too without much fuss and gets her vitamins and such :D

i have a basic list of things they should get daily, and things they can have on occasion, made from the caresheet at

A - Always
O- Occasionally
R- Rarely

A - Collard greens, Mustard greens, Endive and Escarole.
O- Bok Choy, Kale, Red/Green Cabbage

A- Squash (spaghetti squash is the best for them)
O- Cucmber, Celery, Pumpkin, Asparagus
R- Zucchini, Olives

A- Fig, Mango, Papaya, Raspberries
O- Apple, Honeydew, Grapes, Pineapple

A- Silkworms
O- All other worms (Butter/Earth/Super/Wax)
R- Pinky Mice, Hard Boiled Egg, Chicken

Pinky mice and hard boiled eggs are high in fat so theyre not very good to give them on a regular basis. Worms are the best source of protein.

Note: I made this list for convenience purposes, I chose the things I would most likely buy for myself, and can find easily (so no, not all the foods are on there). I mean, red cabbage is very large! and I only have one adult bluey so she's not going to eat it all in a hurry!

Hope this helps :)
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hey mate
i have baby blues and i feed them bananna, snailes wich they love and meal worms and more
Read carrot and corn are not good as they convert to sugar.
Brocholi gives them thyroid problems.
Banana good as a treat but very high in potassium.
Mushrooms a no no but dont know why.
Nothing with fish in it but dont know why.
No eggplant.
Raw mince gives them worms

Was thinking about this thread last night, so flicked through some bluey texts.
In Reptiles Australia Vol 5-1, & Keeping & Breeding Australian Blue Tongues, things like broccolli, carrot, & mushrooms are mentioned as suitable food items.

If you (or anyone else out there in APS world) can point me in the direction of texts or reports of why you say carrot, broccolli, & mushies are no good, that would be appreciated.

Just want to make sure I'm doing the best for my animals.

Also, I know things like mice are a good occasional food, but what is "occasional"? Once a week? Once a fortnight? More? Less? Currently mine are getting a fuzzy mouse once every 7-10 days, they seem to be going great so I'll continue with that unless I hear otherwise.
lots of things people pay are no good, no evidence as to why.
Very interested as i have some coming in the new year.
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