@#$%*@ Blue Tongues!

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Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2009
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Jeez I knew BTL's weren't the mental giants of the reptile world, hell I possibly have house plants that eclipse the collective intellects of both my boys but....@#$%@####!!!!!!!!

I caught one of my boys actually eating their paper pellet substrate.

Can it do them harm or are they going to get impacted?
It isn't just your bluetongues.
I've seen horses eat their sawdust bedding til they gave themselves colic.
My turtle once at a rock, which was apparently big enough for him to swallow, but far too big to get out the other end. Luckily it broke up a big internally, and the impaction was solved by way of a little turtle enema. After that, the rocks in his tank were either tiny gravel, or huge ones.
Maybe try changing your substrate?
you mean the Breeders Choice..... I stopped using it for that very reason..... annoying hey.....
This is new substrate because I was under the belief that they'd find it unpalatable. Who the hell eats god damned paper?


Obviously BTL's.
What ever next a rubber padded enclosure?

Exactly...bloody pests.
To answer your latest question... I know snails love eating paper. Maybe he's just trying to cut out the middle man ;)
This is new substrate because I was under the belief that they'd find it unpalatable. Who the hell eats god damned paper?


Obviously BTL's.
What ever next a rubber padded enclosure?

Exactly...bloody pests.

Kritters Crumble is digestable, isn't it?
Kritters Crumble is digestable, isn't it?

good call if you want loose substrate......... I use cuts of fake turf or carpet & wash it every couple of weeks in a water/household bleach mix.... rinse, dry & re-use......

I do not know just how digestible it is as paper consists primarily of cellulose and lignin fibres with other things added. It really does not matter.

The volume of the pellets taken in is fixed, with water added from digestive juices they may swell a bit. You can try it by dropping one in a glass of water. The combined volume of pellets plus water will be no different to a normal meal. The pellet will soften and loosen as it gets wet and soon enough will become mush. It will physically break up as it is passed along the gut.

I think you must have forgotten your days in primary school, with the torn off corners of exercise pages. Some used it as spit balls, others as a cheap and available substitute for gum...

I went to a very strict catholic school run by nuns. I didn't throw spit balls and I didn't chew paper because I didn't want the cuts.
Hmmm... you did not learn the potential descriptors in your thread title or opening comments from the nuns either. They were not averse to using a bar of soap should someone use foul language. They also wielded a mean feather duster... I remember it well. I recall one sister that would produce a feather duster from beneath her habit when you last expected it. I also recall learning spelling on the end of a stick. Don’t think they’d get away with that today though. Lol.

I must say that I didn’t experience spit balls at school myself, either at the convent or at the brothers. However, I have seen a fair bit with yr 8 and 9 students from state primary schools over the years.

You are excused on the basis of your puritanical early education.

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