Bristlenosed Catfish Question

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Almost Legendary
Jun 30, 2006
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With my snakes
I just bought a couple of fishies to go in my water feature which will also be my snakes water. But I didn't think, when I bought a lovely male, bristlenosed catfish - would he harm my snakes? I have seen what they do to other fish with they spike them, I never thought that he could also have a similar effect if my snakes happen to brush past him. BLuey? You're the fish expert, what do you think? Leave him out, or will he be ok?
I have not kept this species with snakes, But as you say they have very nasty spikes they can flar on the side of the head, I would be concern if the snake thought it would be good idea to eat it. I would try the sucking catfish a more slender species that can handle cooler temps and no spikes!
Sorry mate i wouldnt keep it with your snake as like Gibblore said the spikes are nasty,go for somthing like a red spotted plecostomus or simaliar they look stunning and would be much more suited to your snake and also dont mind the cooler temps.I have seen bristlenosed catfish become very territorial and cause a lot of harm to other fish .They can grow up to over a foot long and are pretty hardy fish,very common,easy to care for as they eat algae,small plants and small crustaceans,hope all goes well for you.
I keep them with my filesnake , they will be fine Kath ,What type of snake are you keeping with the water feature? I Wouldn't keep Ancistrus with GTSs but even keelbacks could eat an adult bristlenose and not die.

Next people will be trimming the claws of rats so their snakes don't get hurt. :rolleyes:

What Ancistrus grow to over 30cm? 20cm would be the biggest I have ever seen , if you can find me a 30cm Ancistrus NOT plecostomus I would give you $500 for it.
also what is a red spot plecostoms? gibbiceps?
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zzzboa, I'm not sure what kind of BN you are thinking of that gets 30cm long, or do you mean the pleco you suggested? It would have to be a giant water feature to cater to a pleco (whatever a red spotted one is?), and the pleco would be just as hard and spiny as the BN, only it would eventually get too big to be eaten.

Sclero, cool that you keep these guys with your file snake! EDIT: Beat me to it re crazy pleco talk :)

OP, sounds like you are putting a range of species into your water feature, I'm sure you have the filtration and temp bases covered, but it never hurts to check! :)
We breed all kinds of bristlenose, we have THOUSANDS, & they have only ever been aggressive with each other, not other fish. They do eat any dead guppies that come along but i havent experienced them attacking other fish. I wouldnt know if the spikes would hurt your snake if it did try to eat it, ive had no experience with that, but they do say that other fish cant eat b/n due to their spikes & this isnt true, my oscar eats them at every chance she gets!
I feed bristlenose to my stingrays :D

The file can't be bothered with them... nails any fish over 10cm though....
I keep them with my filesnake , they will be fine Kath ,What type of snake are you keeping with the water feature? I Wouldn't keep Ancistrus with GTSs but even keelbacks could eat an adult bristlenose and not die.

Next people will be trimming the claws of rats so their snakes don't get hurt. :rolleyes:

What Ancistrus grow to over 30cm? 20cm would be the biggest I have ever seen , if you can find me a 30cm Ancistrus NOT plecostomus I would give you $500 for it.
also what is a red spot plecostoms? gibbiceps?

I am putting my diamond/coastal intergrades in with them. My diamonds have never bothered the fish in their water, so I thought the intergrades would be the same. I was more worried about the snakes brushing past the fish than them trying to eat him.

Thank you, all, for your input :) . I only have 5 goldfish and a fighter, and wanted a bottom dweller to help with the housework. I have experimented with this combination before and worked quite well, except in the cooler months Mr Fighter had to come in out of the cold. Those bristlenoses have always seemed bullet proof to me, which is why I picked him over the sucking catfish. Those suckers like to attach to the side of my other fish whereas the BN leave them alone. It is outside, but will get full sun all day except later afternoons, and yes filtration is one thing I never skimp on. I have ordered a solar-powered fountain pump as well. I personally like those Aqua One 103F filters. I have a 104 in my diamond's water barrel, laying on its back with fountain thingies attached to it. But another thought that comes to mind is my husband must be getting sick of my power usage (he hasn't said so, I just wonder what he thinks sometimes). I wonder if I can get a solar panel to run one of these filters? Any thoughts there?

They had a gold pleco at the shop but he wasn't for sale, and I wouldn't risk him outside anyway. I am starting to want another fish tank....can't tell my hubby just yet...haha...I'd really love a barra and some salmon-tailed catfish. I've had them before and are so fun to watch. They're like sharks.
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The Ancistrus wont survive in water under 18c Kath , as they are cold blooded like reptiles and need heat to digest food.
the spines on Ancistrus arnt sharp enough to damage a snake , and will be too small for the snake to bother trying to eat anyway.
Is that the scientific name for the Bristlenose? I will keep an eye on the temps. I would like to experiment with solar power on this water feature. Be nice to think that I could have a heated, outdoor water pond, with that filter I mentioned, too, all running on no power usage.
Oh??? wanna swap for something else? :D

Possibly......they only hatched yesterday, so still attached to the egg, but yes, im super excited! Its my partner that does the whole fish thing, i get bored with them, but when our albino long fin 'hooked up' & dragged the peppermint in the log.......i got very excited!
Possibly......they only hatched yesterday, so still attached to the egg, but yes, im super excited! Its my partner that does the whole fish thing, i get bored with them, but when our albino long fin 'hooked up' & dragged the peppermint in the log.......i got very excited!

oh , hybrids :(
oh , hybrids :(

Yes, sorry! I know its as 'favorable' in fish as is with reps! We didnt even think they would cross breed, we have had different species together for years without it happening before, as my partner isnt a hybrid fan either, however i find this pairing to be quite special, peppermints are my fav atm, & with long fins i think they will be even more pretty, imo.
Personally, I wouldn't risk it. I'd be more concerned about the fish going down the wrong way and getting stuck.
Have you seen pics of dead crocs with synodontis stuck in their throat?
Different fish, I know but still would be in the back if my mind.

The Ancistrus wont survive in water under 18c Kath , as they are cold blooded like reptiles and need heat to digest food.

I used to keep a four footer in my garage with no heater and a sponge filter. This tank was full of BNs and they bred like crazy. The average water temp of that tank was 15-16 degrees during the day.

Would love to see some pics of the longfin peppies as they grow, does sound very interesting.
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