Bryony's Avatar

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Hell when meg choose this avatar last year... it didn't upset anyone that i can recall.........
good one bry... i like it, i have a a collection of avatars i can't use here due to the limits of size...and some are a little more real than this cartoon...

man it must suck to be offended by insignificant things.
Why afro what sort you want... i got heaps
from fantasy dragons wizards to movie's etc and some that move etc from silent bob and chris farley to ying yang symbels...
also some scanty clad women.. :D

duck for cover! afro's thinking! Somethings gotta explode, lol
I can't believe so much discussion has been spent on Bry's new avatar. I'm also surprised at who's been offended by it, and the fact they believe it to be soft porn. Well, they're entitled to their opinions, no matter how wrong I think they are!

All i can say is, never ever, EVER go to the beach. Your sensibilities will be irrepairably damaged!

If you think Bry's avatar is soft porn, I can't imagine what you would call topless women bouncing up and down on the beach, wearing only some little piece of thin material to hide their modesty.

The fact that general society considers this to be acceptable, in a venue that is a safe place for the whole family to visit, probably will make no difference to their opinions.


Hix's on the coast Razz. You might have some up near you. Wait till the sun comes back out and then go for a trek across the sands. Don't need binoculars, the beach is an environment abundant in 'birdlife' and they are habituated to passersby so you can get quite close.


If you think Bry's avatar is soft porn, I can't imagine what you would call topless women bouncing up and down on the beach, wearing only some little piece of thin material to hide their modesty.

I'm off to bed now, Thank you Hix for making my dreams so much more pleasant :)

Night all :) zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
This is all quite interesting I think.
The people with the problem with the avatar, and the problem with such negative ideologies, are the ones who are re-inforcing such ideologies by reproducing them by attaching them to the avatar.

Children, who are yet to learn of 'objectification' would only link it to the avatar because an authority had taught them to. Am I making any sense? Lol. :roll:

Something can only be 'soft porn' if you allow it to be so within your realm of understanding...and your children will only be 'negatively effected' by it if they are taught that such things are actually negative.

I agree that this particular avatar was created as a fan-service, it's very typical for that genre of anime. It doesn't matter that it's 'just a cartoon'. Whether or not you yourself are offended or aroused by it is irrelevent (I think anyway). It was created as a fan-service, plain and simple. It's not hentai, but it's in the same vein. I guess what I'm getting at, is that it's obviously playing to the objectification of women. Everyone (including the people supporting the avatar) repeatedly mentions the bouncing of the cartoon's breasts. That, to me, is objectification. The males who've been promoting said bouncing are further re-inforcing the sexual connotations.

But then, it's only an image on the screen, it's all of our own realities and perceptions that are turning it into a debate about sex in society. There is nothing sexually explicit in the denotation of the cartoon. It's the connotations that hold the real problem. I think that's what should be debated.

I'll go away now. Lol :roll: :wink:

Oh, and I'm not taking sides by the way, I'm just using this as an arena to put all these damn theories I'm learning to use. Can't half tell huh? :wink:
The difference in our society today, especially concerning the way young girls are dressing, shows that the children have been negatively affected. You can't say an 8 year-old wearing a T-shirt with the slogan "pretty pussy" and a sexy looking cartoon girl picture under it is a positive advancement of our culture. Yes, the people who make these clothes in girl's sizes are to blame as well, but someone has to buy them for the kids, and society accepts them wearing it.

What worries me is the level of acceptance we as a society now have to sexually explicit images and behaviour. I am trying to correctly raise my children, boy and girl aged 5 and 3 in this environment, and these images everywhere makes that difficult. It is in their face all the time. I don't want my daughter to grow up thinking a happy girl is one that has large breasts and wrapped in nothing but a ribbon. Nor do I want my son to grow up thinking that women are sexual objects. These images, such as the avatar being discussed, reinforces this. Cartoon or not, the message behind them is the same. My kids like to look over my shoulder when I'm on here, as they like the reptiles pics in some of the avatars, and now I'm finding myself minimizing the screen so they do not see things such as this avatar.

I don't wish to get into the pedantics of what is porn, but this is an image of a happy girl, wearing nothing but a ribbon, and her breasts are bouncing. Like it or not, there is a sexual message behind this, and one I do not wish to expose my children too. Yes, I cannot shelter them from everything and it is everywhere, but I don't like seeing it on a site where I spend a good deal of my internet time, and them seeing it here.

Just my $0.02, nothing personal.
First off, this is also nothing personal, just my opinion.

I totally agree that it's a negative thing that society has become so tolerant of sexually explicite images becomming common-place. No children should grow up thinking that images such as this avartar depict a be all and end all reality.


I'm pretty sure I dedicated a little paragraph stating that the avatar objectified women, and that it is purely fan-service. By 'fan-service', I was created to be sexually suggestive. That's it's intent and purpose. The majority viewership (is that a word?Lol) of anime that would depict such an image, is male, many of which apparently see the females in anime to be sexually desireable. It's a service to those fans to create an image such as this.

What I was attempting to say, is that it's not the image that's the problem. It's the stigma attached to it. The image is nothing more than a smiling girl jumping up and down. Physics states that her breasts will bounce.
I was not personally replying to your post, just the topic in general, so sorry if that didn't come across, could be something to do that I find myself still awake and posting on here at a ridiculous hour. I wan't personally attacking your opinion, I quite liked your perspective and argument on the whole issue.

What I was attempting to say, is that it's not the image that's the problem. It's the stigma attached to it. The image is nothing more than a smiling girl jumping up and down. Physics states that her breasts will bounce.

She is smiling, she is jumping, but she is wrapped in a ribbon with nothing else on, and the ribbon is strategically placed to cover certain areas. I do believe that the image itself is the problem, as well as the stigma attached. As you mentioned, 'it was created to be sexually suggestive'.

Just my opinion :wink:
So where do we draw the line?

Each to his/her own I say and if you dont like it, skim past it as fast as ya can and dont dwell on it.

I vote Let Bry Be!
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