Calling horse people: opinion needed

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Picked him up and brought him home. He's absolutely adorable and has quite good conformation when seeing him in the flesh. Unfortunately he's stick thin. I ran my hands over him and my fingers sunk in between each rib. He was timid around me at first but by the end of the day he was cuddling up to me. Poor thing just wants some loving. I'm going to let him settle tomorrow and start catching him and teaching him to lead on Thursday.
Good on you for taking on a challenge... I would have said something drab along the lines of -imagine one of your horses walks through a fence, another needs its teeth done, the drought worsens and you have no grass and this new foal turns out to need hours and hours of attention EACH week, and then see if you think you can handle the cost and effort... But it's all good because you've made your own descision (sp?) and are going to give it a go..
And fix your bloody camera! :p

Wrasse said:
A station owner I once knew had a failsafe method for catching those dodgy horses that didn't like to be caught. He shot them instead.
Hahaha.. oh dear.
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