Can Electric Pulse Collars Be Used Humanely

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They are illegal in NSW, so no choice of using them here.

My sister lives in the Arizona desert where rattlesnakes are a real and present hazard in their backyard and the nearby park. If you know what rattlesnake venom does, it is pretty awful. She has a small dog and they needed to teach him to avoid rattlers at all costs.

They took him to a professional trainer who used a shock collar in controlled circumstances with rattlesnakes in natural situations. The dog is now not only terrified of rattlers, but also of shock collars. He's no dummy! It was painful for the poor dog, but much less painful than rattlesnake envenomation. In such extreme circumstances it may be worthwhile.
i think the shock collar is a great tool to use with stubborn dogs and with dogs who's owners are to lazy.

my border collie cross is an excellent dog and is stock trained, never had an incident with her. my chihuahua is great but does like to chase bugs and spiders. years ago wen bush walking in penrith next to the foot ball fields which allow dogs off lead i was on the footpath and i let her off lead as she is always within a couple of meters of me and my ex let of her jack russel off too. anyway about 4 meters from us a red bellied black snake slithered onto the footpath, my dog froze still turned and run back to me. i emediatly picked her up but the jack russel chased after it and no matter how many times its owner called her the dog would not listen, she made it back about 20 min later alive.

at the time i wish she was wearing a shock collar and i would not hesitate to shock her.

at the end of the day even the best behaved dogs do things wen their owners are not around.
If used properly I don't see a problem as the shock is not life threatening. Someone mentioned Ceasar Millan and pack behaviour. In a pack of dogs the pack leader will enforce their authority by biting others that step out of line , non-lethal force the same as the shock. To the people opposed to the collars are you also opposed to electric fences for cattle as well?
Yep, probably illegal elsewhere, but NSW is where I do dog training and a professional trainer here said they were illegal. He also said he would use them in certain circumstances if they were legal.
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