can i?

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Haha, yeah I guess so, I guess if you protect your jelly bean now, it can help you in later life with your maintanence. But seriously, I would be more scared that when it gets born something trys to eat your sweet little jelly bean!

lol gah now u have me start thinking somethings going to eat it! i was watching tv today and a baby on the telly started crying and it scared the daylights out of my dog... i wonder what he is going to be like when it arives? lol i will make sure my pythons have a big padlock on there enclosures too now... and anything els that could try too... gah u are making the paranoia worse mr!
Getting "hands-on" with dirty things like kitty litter and reptile poo, you will build up an immunity to whatever nasty diseases lie inside their crap. Obviously it's not the best idea to try it out whilst pregnant just in case you do catch something and it's passed on to your baby, but I'm almost completely confident that when I become pregnant one day I won't need to worry about keeping away from my cat's litter simply because I have had a "hands-on" experience with kitty litter and over 20 different cats since I was a child, and we all know how disgusting young children are, having to taste everything they see :)
The snakes I'm not as confident about but I'm sure there have been a few occasions where I didn't wash my hands after cleaning reptiles and whatever germs were on my hands somehow made their way into my system.
The dirtier you get, the healthier you'll be. That's my theory anyway, seems to have worked with everything so far :)

Oh and congrats on the pregnancy :D
From what we learnt from our parasitology lectures this semester at uni, toxoplasmosis (caused by Toxoplasma gondii) Isn't actually that much of a risk during pregnancy. If you have cats for years or whatever you'll most likely have been exposed to the parasite before- the only time it's harmful when your pregnant is if you are exposed to the parasite for the first time whilst pregnant. If you've been exposed before the start of your pregnancy, your immunity is already built up to it so you won't have a problem.

Can't comment about the reptile stuff though, not sure :)
Cool - I'm not pregnant yet but fingers crossed it will happen soon
I think like may other bugs when the feces dried the salmonella can become airborne but best to ask a professional - my doc just said to have some one else do the cleaning to limit the change so I never thought to ask him that - I will now though.

how are you planning that?

nah seriously, as a teacher that spent years studying human biology it amazes me how many kids these days have allergies. i know that everything is dangerous while you are pregnant and i agree that it is something that is far too risky to mess with, but once you have a healthy baby please let them play in the dirt.

As generations go by they become more and more allergic to things that we all used to be fine with. I cant help but think that if we let our kids get dirty when they are young they will naturally build up the immune system and will be able to fight off such things.

Huge congratulations and i hope you have an uneventful pregnancy and you enjoy the birth process. As a guy i say it cant be that bad giving birth. ;)

and dont find out the gender........have a surprise.
Getting "hands-on" with dirty things like kitty litter and reptile poo, you will build up an immunity to whatever nasty diseases lie inside their crap. Obviously it's not the best idea to try it out whilst pregnant just in case you do catch something and it's passed on to your baby, but I'm almost completely confident that when I become pregnant one day I won't need to worry about keeping away from my cat's litter simply because I have had a "hands-on" experience with kitty litter and over 20 different cats since I was a child, and we all know how disgusting young children are, having to taste everything they see :)
The snakes I'm not as confident about but I'm sure there have been a few occasions where I didn't wash my hands after cleaning reptiles and whatever germs were on my hands somehow made their way into my system.
The dirtier you get, the healthier you'll be. That's my theory anyway, seems to have worked with everything so far :)

Oh and congrats on the pregnancy :D

Im pretty sure that last time i checked you can`t build up an immunity to salmonella or listeria?:)
no way i love spicey stuff i have been eating alot of hot salsa dip lol! peanuts is because the baby could have a alergic reaction to it... which i had never heard of either i thoguht alot of women liked peanut butter while pregnant?? and icecream who knows why it was on a website with lists of food not to eat lol, i mean if a baby is going to have a reaction to peanuts why not have a reaction to other things its not like peanuts are the only things people are alergic to in this world!
The main problem with allergies is swelling of the throat which causes suffication...your precious baby is breathing through its (i'm sorry i hated my boys being called it but we don't know the sex yet) belly button :D, so eat all the peanuts you want. Also on the icecream issue that rule is just for soft serve cause the venders don't clean the machine very well, so icecream is back on the menu. Sorry if this stuff has already been said I only read half way through the threat before replying. I will go and read the rest now:oops:
Congrats! And welcome to the world of completely conflicting and confusing advice that parents must work out and somehow do the right thing.

On the peanut thing they warned women to not eat peanuts during pregnancy because apparantly it contributed to the baby having severe peanut allergies when young. Now, with allergies on the rise, they think the opposite and that you should in fact eat peanuts so your babe will have some level of tolerance... In other words they have no idea :?

Either way, with everything you do from now on, you will be doing the wrong thing, and it will be all your fault ;) (according to those that of course are doing it the right way, and will be quite forward in telling you so). Ahhh, gotta love parenting. :lol:
Aww Congrats little miss Lama! As for your q's I have no idea........................Sorry :|
Well its a little thing called sex at the right time that's the planning of it.
I have chronic asthma so I know all to well about allergies and building up immunity to things - I will allow my child to encounter things so he/she can built up immunity but I will now put the child in the womb at risk of a completely avoidable risk - just for the sake of "I did it and it did me any harm" or " They tell you everything is bad for you I say just do what you want, that worked for me" cause I may just be the unlucky person who does get something and my child then suffers for it.
As for the uneventful pregnancy - I'm pretty sure my asthma wont allow that but I do know that what ever comes my way I will do the best I can.

how are you planning that?

nah seriously, as a teacher that spent years studying human biology it amazes me how many kids these days have allergies. i know that everything is dangerous while you are pregnant and i agree that it is something that is far too risky to mess with, but once you have a healthy baby please let them play in the dirt.

As generations go by they become more and more allergic to things that we all used to be fine with. I cant help but think that if we let our kids get dirty when they are young they will naturally build up the immune system and will be able to fight off such things.

Huge congratulations and i hope you have an uneventful pregnancy and you enjoy the birth process. As a guy i say it cant be that bad giving birth. ;)

and dont find out the gender........have a surprise.
Love, respect, discipline where needed, guidance and more love and I'm pretty sure your doing the right thing : ). I think there is way to much pressure put on parents with regard to their bringing up of a child now days - but I also think that a lot of parents are not putting the time in to their kids due to work and other commitments. I'm all for the stay at home mum : ).
I feel for 6 month old babies that are dropped at child care at 6am and then picked up at 5 pm by a mum or dad who is buggered from a hard days work and have nothing left to give the child - that's not parenting.

Congrats! And welcome to the world of completely conflicting and confusing advice that parents must work out and somehow do the right thing.

On the peanut thing they warned women to not eat peanuts during pregnancy because apparantly it contributed to the baby having severe peanut allergies when young. Now, with allergies on the rise, they think the opposite and that you should in fact eat peanuts so your babe will have some level of tolerance... In other words they have no idea :?

Either way, with everything you do from now on, you will be doing the wrong thing, and it will be all your fault ;) (according to those that of course are doing it the right way, and will be quite forward in telling you so). Ahhh, gotta love parenting. :lol:
lol gah now u have me start thinking somethings going to eat it! i was watching tv today and a baby on the telly started crying and it scared the daylights out of my dog... i wonder what he is going to be like when it arives? lol i will make sure my pythons have a big padlock on there enclosures too now... and anything els that could try too... gah u are making the paranoia worse mr!

Haha, whats more important? Jelly bean, or herps, jellly bean, herps?
Kitty litter trays are supposed to be avoided when your pregnant because there are parasites living in your cats intestine that produce eggs which are excreted in the cats faeces. The parasite eggs can then be ingested if your cleaning the tray (so scrupulous hygiene is a must) and once the parasite is in your body it can create problems with the developing fetus (miscarriage, retardation, stillbirth). I havnt done much research on it but from what i have read its only a problem associated with cats, other animals excrement should be fine to be near. Should always wear gloves etc just to be sure =)
This is my vision of what Lana's bub will be like! :lol::lol: Lil Miss Spaghetti head. :p
As for your questions...listen to your body firstly! Eg.... If you eat something & it comes back be aware of it. If the same food causes the same reaction twice avoid it! You do need to build immunity in bub but don't take unnecessary risks with known dangers. You have stepped on to the confusing & sometimes scary path of parenthood. It's a thrilling ride, enjoy it! ;)


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Kitty litter trays are supposed to be avoided when your pregnant because there are parasites living in your cats intestine that produce eggs which are excreted in the cats faeces. The parasite eggs can then be ingested if your cleaning the tray (so scrupulous hygiene is a must) and once the parasite is in your body it can create problems with the developing fetus (miscarriage, retardation, stillbirth). I havnt done much research on it but from what i have read its only a problem associated with cats, other animals excrement should be fine to be near. Should always wear gloves etc just to be sure =)

you may want to look up salmonella in reptiles and other animals its not just cats that are harmful :D
If all else fails and you need a reptile sitter, PM me.
As to your question, No Idea
Hey congrats.

Listeria and toxoplasmosis can kill your baby. Chances of it happening are low obviously - we don't have millions of instances of it happening - however to be sure it's best to avoid risk factors.

This would be things like handling animal faeces, eating unwashed raw vegies, eating unpasturised animal products (soft cheeses).

Also if you have a family history of allergy, avoiding high risk allergens such as peanuts is not a bad idea as the baby can become sensitised to these in utero.

To all those who think it's rubbish because 'you neve avoided these things and your kids were fine' - that's great your kids are healthy, you were lucky. They do present a real risk though, so to ignore accurate warnings about risks posed is foolish. For example, my two year old ran accross the road and didn't get run over. this doesn't make it safe to play on the road - it just means he was lucky.

Obviously though, missllamathuen this is your body/baby and you have a right to autonomy in the choices you make.... make sure they are educated choices though. These things do present risk and it's up to you whether you take the risk or not. Personally, I would let someone else clean the animals for the next few months.

i think that the doctors etc make this stuff up to make women paranoid and it causes us to worry and end up back seeing them thinking we have ended up with toxoplasmosis rabies and lots of other scary made up things...
Doctors tell you this stuff (and a lot of other overly cautious stuff) just in case if they don't tell you and something does happen, you can't sue them.

I think you'll be just fine, and if you are still worried wear gloves and mask as suggested.

Oh and by the way, congratulations! Get ready to set up the click clack.

EDIT: Sorry, I didn't realise this thread was so long and I replied to something on page 1!
wowie lots of replies! thanks so much everyone for your help

channi, thankyou so much for explaining that too me, and that makes sence about the soft serves i dont eat those anyway :D so im glad i know that icecream is safe now too :)

minke, ur comment made me giggle, it is so true! my mother is telling me "get rid of ur damn cats" my mother inlaw "cats are fine if anything they will help ur immune system dont get rid of them" lol!! shows how many different opinions and advice bits im getting!!!

scarlette, the kitty litter prob is mainly toxoplasmosis, and your right it can lead to miscarriges etc if i got it it would be almost certain i would miscarry, thanks for that im deffinatly not going near there tray

kakariki, haha kacky dacks, u had to post my babys photo up didnt u! yes my baby will be brought up on spaghettie and icecream! ... just kidding, but honestly i think that they will be a spaghettie nut like me when there older lol

kensai, lol u shouldnt have said that because im actually considering looking for people in adel to take my reps on a "breeding loan" while the pregnancy goes along, so if ur serious i will contact u if u want to look after some lol

tattoo, my mums mum was alergic to the bean family and pea family i think... but im ok with them so is my mum dad and brother, i guess maby i should avoid it just incase? im alergic to artificial stuff im hoping my baby doesnt get stuck with my alergies too

philk, lol i wonder if it will fit in a click clack? just kidding lol thankf for the input :D

fraser... ur a nutt lol jellybean!! then again... herps are pretty awsome... lol nah my jelly bean is good
As I mentioned before.. if you've had cats for a while, toxoplasmosis won't be a problem, as you'll have already been infected before- its only the FIRST infection (if you get it during pregnancy) that can cause miscarriage.

all the best :)
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