These animals are definately juvenile C. pictus. The individual in the 2 left photos is a female and the other four photos are of a male or 2 males.
I agree with Eipper that these are the northen form of C.pictus. In addition to the observations made by Scott the northern form also tend to be duller in colour then the southern types. The males particularly do not exhibit the vibrant bright blues, yellows and reds that are often associated with Painted dragons. The colouring in this form tends to be much more subdued if evident at all insome individuals. I have kept this form and the more brightly coloured southern variety during my time in dragons
This form could very well be a distinct subspecies. Its just waiting for someone to do the taxonomic investigation.
Robertirwin 2008, the military dragons that come from the area you identified are the subspecies gularis. I keep these in my collection and I can assure they do not look like the dragons in your photos.