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Almost Legendary
Oct 4, 2009
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Windsor, NSW
For anyone interested in this sort of thing there's a documentary called "Inside Nature's Giants" where they dissect different animals and explain about their biology. I've seen a few episodes now and I really enjoyed them but tonight they are doing a Burmese Python.
It's on SBS at 830. This is the link for info about the show in general: Inside Nature’s Giants : PBS
It's a interesting show it's been on foxtel before, but haven't seen the Burmese episode. Thanks for the heads up.
Yep I was planning on watching this one as I watched the shark one last week and watched the preview to the Python one on tonight. Also just a heads up the Lizards of Oz Doco is "floating" around on a few sites online if you wanted to grab it :p
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Unfortunately I missed the polar bear one but I have been told its good. I might try and get my hands on it. Life in the undergrowth is also on tonight (now).
Thanks, saximus! Would have missed this one, but for your heads up. Excellent episode.
interesting thing about the spurs ( or what ever their called the little pointy things next to their bum ) being left from evolving from limbs , is this proven or is it just a theory , cheers for the heads up saximus i never watch sbs so would have missed that one
Does anyone know the name of another documentary about the pythons in the everglades and where they came from? I watched one a while ago but cant remember the name of it.
Does anyone know the name of another documentary about the pythons in the everglades and where they came from? I watched one a while ago but cant remember the name of it.

theres a show called "python Hunters", i think there was a whole season about the invasive burmese pythons and how they were trying to control them etc, not sure if it was a whole season or not tho

did anybody see the whale one, that was really interesting and gross lol
That was probably it. Is it good, I must have caught half an episode somewhere, looked ok.

Missed the whale one as well, damn shift work. Think Im going to have to chase the whole series up.
well ive only seen a few eps but from what ive seen its a really good show, i think they look at other types of pythons in other countries aswell, there was one where they were in australia but i missed it. i need to get a hold of all series lol

yeh u should its quite interesting, they also did one with the giant squid.
Another show I have been watching is Britains Strangest Pets which has quite a few overseas reptiles on it like Iguanas,chameleons,all sorts of snakes and other monitors. Two episodes have aired so far out of a series total of four. You can download them at the "usual" places :p
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