cricket breeding

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Not so new Member
Mar 9, 2008
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how many times does a female cricket lay eggs in her life, and how long appart?
the only live for a couple of weeks as adults and lay a couple of hundred eggs in that time.
do they lay all their eggs in one go or over a couple of weeks?
where do you keep crickets when they are breeding?
and what's the best thing to gutload them on?
Great idea dude-joel, Would be great if some more experianced ppl could give more info on breeding cricks as i havn't had much luck yet.
from what iv read:
they lay up to 100 eggs per female
they lay an average of 5 eggs per day, when they have eggs
you keep them in a bigish container
depending on how many you are keeping
and i think plain dirt is the best substrait because they lay the eggs under it
p.s theres already been about 50 threads on this so do a search for more info :)
p.s theres already been about 50 threads on this so do a search for more info :)

righto mate, you do a search and tell me where it says the answer to what im asking...

im having heaps of luck with the crickets laying eggs, there appears to be at least 5 in my tub of damp peat moss at any one time laying. i only have 27 crickets all up so that isnt too bad :)
are you sure about the 5 eggs per day? it must take them ages to lay one egg if this is true, i watched a single cricket laying for more than an hour today.
ill do some pretty full on research when i get them breeding properly. there seems to be a lot of myths out there about crickets.
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