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Very Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2008
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Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
im getting a couple of crocs in a week or so and was just wondering what some of the better methods of getting them out are?

because from experience ive found that covering the eyes then getting them out is the easiest, but i used to have one and with him even that proved diffcult at times exspecially when he got bigger.

thanks in advance
freshy, same size as mine. no method, reach in and grab. Shouldn't break the skin ever if he does bite. Salty, I'd just hook up his tail and grab him behind the back legs lifting him out and then lowering him on a soft area (towle of something) and then grabing him behind the neck with with my other hand. Thats how i do it with my big salty. I never had any real drama's with either method until I made the mistake of teaching my salty to death roll and jump.
thanks, im planning on teaching my salty to jump, im new to aps, so sorry if this is a dumb question... but why was it a mistake to teach him to jump? and how big is your salty?
meet happy

Until I taught him to jump (using food) he never jumped. Once he realised he could jump he escaped once and getting him out became a little more difficult. Then I thought it'd be cool to wrestle him for his food causing him to death roll. Since then he grabs onto everything that goes into his tank and rolls. Even when I grab him by the tail he rolls. Soon after....he got my knuckle. Luckily, he didn't roll :p still done enough damage. Have fun with them mate, they are great pets, you should really enjoy having them.
hes a beauty! that would be probably just a bit bigger then my croc would have been. my friends croc jumps and its about 1.8, but she has a 2 metre high fence around it. and it attacks anything that comes in the enclosure, im hoping to build something similar for this one once it gets to a decent size.
"Salty, I'd just hook up his tail and grab him behind the back legs lifting him out and then lowering him on a soft area (towle of something) and then grabing him behind the neck with with my other hand. Thats how i do it with my big salty."

Not a good idea, can guarantee you will cop a bite one day from getting him out that way.
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