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Very Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2008
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I know this has been done before but it always just gets filled with chatting and no pics...hopefully this will be different lol.
I would like to see some really nice natural looking display enclosures (especially of colubrids and chondros) but anything would be appreciated, it can be snakes, lizards, turtles I dont mind at all.
So show me what youve got :)
have a look at croc docs lacie enclosure, that is the best enclosure I have seen, I love the ones that look the same as what the animals habitat would be in the biush, not something with a rock backing then a green mat. I look foward to pics also, will be setting up 2 very soon
I'l post some soon, I'm building an outside enclosure for my turtles and lizards. Any other pictures of outside enclosures would be great for setup ideas.
have a look at croc docs lacie enclosure, that is the best enclosure I have seen, I love the ones that look the same as what the animals habitat would be in the biush, not something with a rock backing then a green mat. I look foward to pics also, will be setting up 2 very soon

Thats exactly what Im looking for Ryan...natural. Universal rocks backgrounds look great but the rest has to be natural aswell. I have pics of crocdocs lacie enclosure here on my computer...its the best ive seen aswell. Im looking to get some of my animals out of tubs and into some nice displays.

Pics now please :D
If you want to create something super natural, check this link out. I would like to do something like this down the line when I get my house finished.
If you want to create something super natural, check this link out. I would like to do something like this down the line when I get my house finished.

thats the kinda enclosure I would like to build, mine will be melanime proably but look really nice inside, either that or some sort of stained timber. though would people be keeping desert pythons on sand? I know you can keep rainforest species on natural stuff, see it all the time at the pet shop
Nothing special but this is one of the old tanks my turtle was in. shortly after these pics were taken he was upgraded to a tank with 400L water, and he's not happily in 700L outdoors all by himself.





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wow that turtle tank isnt to bad, just need something on the back and the sides and something on the bottom and it would be perfect. cool turtle aswell :D what type of fish do you keep in there? are they some sort of neon or gambusia?
Thanks Ryan :) Not sure if you've ever kept a turtle but it can be pretty hard to keep it looking good, they just eat all the plants and move everything around all the time lol. I'd like to have the entire bottom of his 700L tub covered with black polished river rocks to make it more natural, but will need to get a strong powerhead first to direct wastes etc to the filter intake, before they settle and rot under the rocks... Damn turtles are expensive lol. started off in a 40L, then to 200L, 400L, now 700L (the last upgrade!)
Thanks Ryan :) Not sure if you've ever kept a turtle but it can be pretty hard to keep it looking good, they just eat all the plants and move everything around all the time lol. I'd like to have the entire bottom of his 700L tub covered with black polished river rocks to make it more natural, but will need to get a strong powerhead first to direct wastes etc to the filter intake, before they settle and rot under the rocks...

no never actually kept a turtle, wouldnt mind getting some one day. I would keep them ouside if I did though, I couldnt keep the tank clean, it sounds to hard lol.
Couple of pics of the new tub, not set up properly. Going to finish adding shade cloth around the sides of the 'cage' to make it seem more 'safe and secure' for turt when he's basking. fly screen over the top to stop crap from trees fallin in (or lessen the quantity, at least) and to stop mozzies getting in. As I said I want to get river rocks coverin the bottom of the tub, and have recently done up 6 terracotta pots with lillies and a water rush of some sort (dunno what type) to put in soon as well.

The tub itself; 6ft x 3ft x ~50cm (average height) custom made fibreglass 'spa bath' that I picked up from the logan 'smart tip' for $130. Was brand new, very slight chip on the side, still covered with plastic. Spray painted the sides a dark green to 'blend in more' (was white). Made an above tank basking dock so the tub could just about be filled to the brim (made from perspex, used a heat gun to bend the ramp down, silicones polished river rocks all over the top of it). The dock is held up by rope (Its REALLY heavy, about 2ft or so long and 50cm wide, covered in rocks)- The piece of PVC pipe you can see going across the width of the tank has a thick waterproof rope secured around it, and the rope passes to the end of the tub, passing under the dock where the ramp curves down, and is then fixed to the tub. So basically the dock just rests on this, it makes it easy to lift up and clean under there etc. It is also secured to to the tub so that it can't slide forwards (more ropes tying the dock to the tub)

looks bland and boring in these pics, but im still working on it when i get the time


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Nothing special but this is one of the old tanks my turtle was in. shortly after these pics were taken he was upgraded to a tank with 400L water, and he's not happily in 700L outdoors all by himself.

Mate - whats that that dark green fibrous plant??
It looks suspiciously like Cabomba to me - a major, major weed in waterways (WONS - Weed of National Significance).
Turtle pond


Turtle Tank (not the best pictures, need a wide lens)

Mate - whats that that dark green fibrous plant??
It looks suspiciously like Cabomba to me - a major, major weed in waterways (WONS - Weed of National Significance).

Not to mention the water Hyacinth in the outdoor pond, favourite plant that is and or can be a pain for the survival of natives if let loose. Pretty none the less.:)
Thats a mad enclosure BWD I like the kentia palm and having the ceramic at the base is a good idea does the cage get over heated? You do reptascaping well :)

thanks! :)

na, it doesnt overheat. everything is thermostatically controlled. all of the chords and thermostat and things are in the bottom, underneath the enclosure, accessible from the back. and the log on the right hand side is hollow and leads down into a box, for the snakes.

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