dizzy the diamond update

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Active Member
Aug 2, 2005
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hiya all, just thought i would give you a quick update on dizzy the diamond who i imported from queensland and had the unknown lumps all over him. Well for a while he was going ok with the lumps not really changing and he was eating well, which is what the vet wanted b4 she did any further testing on dizzy as the baytril injections he had didnt improve him at all. But 2 weeks ago dizzy went off his food so i thought maybe he was going to shed, then his chin came up all red and swollen on one side and on closer inspection of his mouth i found the lumps had actually started growing in there, so it was back to the vet last monday to see what could be done. Sally imediately took him off for surgrey and biopsyed 3 of his lumps and sent them off for path testing so that we may be able to find the course of the lumps and treat them before dizzy gets any worse. So now i am sitting by the phone waiting for the vet to ring with the results and to see where we can go there :)
cheers all
Fingers crossed that you get the answers you need today.

Chin up and we are thinking of you and dizzy.

Hi Lisa

Bet you're pouncing on that phone every time it makes a noise. Nerveracking. I feel for you and Dizzy. Goodluck and let us know how it goes.

Hang in there,

Cheers, Lily

I'm sure I speak for everyone here on APS in wishing you and dizzy all the best of luck with receiving good news. Fingers and toes are crossed for you. Please let us know of any updates.

Hey Lisa,

Fingers crossed here too! Keep us informed :)
thanks all, well today is friday and no news yet. Lily your right i dont know how many times that damn ph rang in the last 2 days and every time it was someone else, i must of sounded really disappointed to the persons on the other end of the line lol. Anyway hopefully today is the day as i have no finger nails left and a headache like you wouldnt believe lol.
thanks again guys and as soon as i know i will let you all know :)
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