
Aussie Pythons & Snakes Forum

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Active Member
Jun 27, 2010
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I was just wondering but how do exotics get in Australia? I know how cane toads and rabbits got in but I mean like Corn snakes and how do people get them.
They have been here in Australia for so long that I doubt many people bother smuggling them in, they just breed them here.
Smuggle them in ,,, catch wild ones my dads friend hAd a super orange corn snake he found on his hay farm
Now, this is new topic, common guys, don't be cynical, we could do up 20 pages on this and learn a lot.
What is it with all the thread related to ball pythons and exotics lately. Can't people be happy with what we have.
Where did he say "i hate native reptiles and only want exotics?"
Its a question how about we all have some well thought out answers to get an interesting thread going for once. It has been a while.
What so you would like a how to guide on smuggling that's a good idea
Yeah i dont think corns are smuggled in as they have been in australia and bred probably before we kept natives...
I sometimes sell frozen rodents and have quite a few people ask what size they should feed there corn lol.
He said how, not that he wants to give smuggling a go.
with all the technology these days it near seems impossible to bring them in, plus a few people on here have exotics so ive heard, not saying they should come on and tell us there step by step process they took but it could turn into an interesting thread, if there were different posts other than, "in budgie smugglers, socks, turbans etc."
yay another exotic thread :D

He said how, not that he wants to give smuggling a go.
with all the technology these days it near seems impossible to bring them in, plus a few people on here have exotics so ive heard, not saying they should come on and tell us there step by step process they took but it could turn into an interesting thread, if there were different posts other than, "in budgie smugglers, socks, turbans etc."

lol to the turbans :p
Before we all became eco-warriors and developed an appreciation of how dependant we and our native fauna are on the ebb and flow of our ecology; there were people who were people who were bringing exotic animals into this country unquestioned. These animals were not restricted to reptiles alone. Australian laws have only been in place, and to a lesser extent enforced since the 1970's so most of the exotics that are turning up so frequently nowadays are as native to this country as some of the younger members on this forum. I am not saying 'bring on the exotics' but I think we have adopt a better solution than zero tolerance. You only have to look at the drug problem in western society to see that this approach does not work
The main thing about snakes in particular is they are very easy to transport legally or illegally
Young ones are small so would be easy to carry on your person where the body heat would keep them warm
Once a snake feels secure it will just curl up and relax
Not many other animals would do that if placed in a bag

Its very interesting if I have to fly back to Aus in a hurry for some reason
I usually walk straight from the display onto a plane
The drug dogs back right off and snarl
Never seen them do that before
If you travel a lot how many times have you been stopped by customs??
[Very low percentage here except for above]

Would those detectors customs use on containers pick up a cold blooded animal?
I know they can detect anything warm blooded and any drugs but how about reptiles??

When I was in PNG on the long liners we used to go back to either Mackay or Townsville twice a year to refit the boats
That area of customs was a complete joke [but that was a fair while ago]
From PNG to Australian waters is virtually a long swim to Sabai and then an island hop down to Bamaga in Cape York so a yacht or something could cruise through there fairly easily I think
So all in all I think they would be very easy to import illegally

I have to fly home next week
Lets see what customs does this trip??
We bring stuff into the country every single day.how many snakes,lizards,skinks etc curl up in a nice warm dark shipping crate,and wake up whereever that container is going.not all exotics enter the country in someones jocks.but then not all our reps are smart enogh not to get into a shipping container either,and off they go.and lets be honest,if i were in the position to either hand over for detroying or keep alive and enjoy myself........im sure it is a no-brainer.
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