Feeding Baby Beardies?

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hey guys im purchasing a pygmy bearded dragon in a couple months now i know how often to feed them i was going to ask the same question i have a question to ask if i purchase my dragon young do i have to use paper towel as a substrate for the first 21 days or is that just for newly borned ones?
hey mate, you can feed ur beardies any fruit and veg ,( besides avacado, and citrus or onion based, corn can be used but they dont really digest it fully, lettuce is useless) small mouth size peices, as for mealworms or superworms, you dont need to put them on top, u can use crickets if you wish, mealworms can cause issues, i would provide a small amount for your beardies of both crickets and vegies each day, you will discover wat they dont like, also rememnber to dust ith calcium and vitamins, if feeding live food, minmise wat they can hide under, by taking out and putting into another enclosure for feeding, or just staying limited with substrate and furniturings to start off with, once u have discoverd their favourites, you can alternate, from live food one day and vegies the next, beardies will nearly always eat the live food first, until they are full, so allowing them to get a little hungry will encourage them to eat vegies, also saves u money on crickets ect, once u see they are growing and healthy, you can add ur furnitings again, and even give a no feed day once a week, this keeps them fit and they will eat all there food. as for how many crickets just place in a couple at a time, and watch as they eat, when they wont chase anymore, stop and remove wat u can, also try crucshing some crickets heads and placing on food tray, the crickets still twitch but wont get away, it also covers vegies in cricket brains, they likle that.

i consider mealworms and such, as treats. also rose petals, hibiscus etc can be used.
I have done some research and have found out that silk worms are more nutritious than crickets! Should I feed my beardies more silk worms than crickets?

E.G: 20 Silkworms and 10 crickets?
They love silkworms, so i dont think they will mind at all! & you are right, they are alot better for them then crickets & woodies, & with a mate breeding them.......lucky you! :)
THANKS everyone!!! Now all my problems have been sorted :)!!! Now for the anxious four day wait for my bearded dragons!!!
:D How exciting for you! We have had Muppet for almost 3wks now, & he is growing really fast, just like our human babies, they grow up too quick! Goodluck with your little critters, cant wait to see pics!
I am a newbie to reptiles and I am buying a bearded dragon soon. I have been doing some research on the net about what vegetables, fruit and greens to feed them but on each site it says something different about say apples or strawberries or broccoli. Does anyone know what fruit and vegetables are safe for then to eat on a daily basis? Also the scientific name for the type of bearded dragon that I am getting is pogona henrylawsoni. Any help will be appreciated! :)
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