Feeding Baby Long-Necked Turtle - How Often?

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How often should i feed my baby long-neck turtle?

I have had him for a year now, he is very healthy.

I feed him half a block of Turtle Dinner dipped in ReptiCal (Calcium Supplement) every night.
Should i feed him in the morning also, or more at night, he eats half a block in about 30 seconds.

Feeding baby turtles

I also have a baby long neck turtle, his about the size of my palm. I searched alot of websites and was advised by a vet to feed him 2-3 times a day until he gets bigger to which i will then only have to feed him 2-3 times a week. By bigger i mean a couple of years old. Hopefully this helps.:)

What temperature do you keep the tank/ pond water at?
from what i hear you should feed them an amount of food about the size of the turtles head once a day
Well thats about right what i'm feeding him then :)

The tank has a heater during the colder months, set at 22C, however when its set to 22 its usually around 27 - 28. During summer theres no need for a heater here.
I have a Northern Long Necked Turtle and i had him in a tank for about 5 days before i got a thermometer.. The turtle didnt seem distressed or anything. But when i did get one to my surpise it said the temperature was at 30C.. Im not sure what to do cause i have been told that they should be kept at tempz between 19-23C but because my baby is a freshy from the river and i live in Darwin where our average temperature a day is 30C I would think that they would have adapted to the heat and dont need that low temp. do you think that this is why? I have changed the temp to 23C but it seems alot more colder than it should be and the turtle seems to want to get out of the tank... Dont know what to do...
Can someone HELP!

In my opinion, you should do two things:

1. Stop feeding every night.
2. Stop feeding the Turtle Dinners. The red meat will cause the turtle to die from kidney failure within a few years.

My advice is to switch to a more natural diet: Freshwater fish, Freshwater yabbies, Freshwater snails, Freshwater prawns, etc. In fact, pretty much anything that lives in freshwater is potentially part of the turtle's diet.

How big is the turtle?

Thanks, i will try and find some freshwater food for him. His shell is 7cm long by 5cm wide, he is approx 1 year old.
About long necked turtle

Hi there! Last Sunday i bought a couple of long necked turtle. Their about the size of my palm. Look very cute and smart. But i don't have a lot of experience to feed this kind of turtle. Are you pleasant to help me? I am Vietnamese living Vietnam
Nice to meet all !!
I am currently feeding my ELT turtle pellets, but from this weekend onwards his going to get to eat guppies (freshwater fish) as i'm going to start breeding guppies soon.
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