Fish Of A Life Time

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Very Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2007
Reaction score
Boonah, QLD
G'day all, how's it going? This is a fairly long story for the fishermen out there, but believe me it is needed here and there are pics interspersed. I've just copied it from a fisho forum I'm on so excuse any unneeded details.

I haven't gotten in the kayak or wet a line for a very, very long time. My kayak fishing mate Matt and I decided to break the drought, so to speak, and head out for a fish. We grabbed our mate Ryan who is a mad keen fisho but hasn't gone off the yak or in freshwater so he came along for his virgin session. We perused our uni timetable and saw that we had Monday arvo off (this is a few Mondays back now) so organised to head out for a fish then. I ducked up to a tackle store where my girlfriend had bought me a voucher for our anniversary and spent way too much money - came away with a 7ft 3-5kg Daiwa Exceler rod and a Banax 'ssnakeskin spinner' reel fitted with 14lb crystal fireline.

So kitted out, I was ready to hit the water. Matt kindly supplied Ryan with a kayak and we met at around 3 pm at our location, which I have decided to keep secret this time. It was a beauty of an arvo for it and a really lovely location. We hopped in and paddled out, frothing on the fact that we were out of uni and enjoying the outdoors. There was plenty of VERY fishy looking water around and we quickly got to work flicking all sorts of lures at the snags. Ryan was already converted to kayak fishing because of the peace and serenity and we were discussing the purchase of his kayak - Matt and I were very pleased to have converted another person.

Before too long, as is always the case, the newbie got the first fish. Just a little bass, but as his first kayak caught fish and first freshwater fish Ryan was quite pleased with it really. Caught on a spinnerbait. Ryan's birthday was the other day and he had recieved from some mates a new rod - it is a 7ft long fibreglass job fitted with a 6000 size reel and very thick mono.. we had a good chuckle at him using it on the kayak!


We continued working up the watercourse without so much as a bump on any of the lures (though I did lose one of mine to a tree). This seems to happen to me a lot - the fish just don't agree with us as to where they should hang out and perfectly fishy snags yielded nothing time and time again.

We passed through a little narrowing area and saw a beauty of a log angled down from the bank into the water. It provided a lovely pool in its lee and I claimed it as my spot to cast, but I spent too long buggerising around and Ryan drifted past me, poising his rod. "Fish of the day out of this one boys" he laughed and flicked the spinnerbait right on target in a beauty of a cast. No sooner had he flicked the bail arm over when...

ZZZZZZZZZ-ZZZZ--ZZZZZZZZZ-ZZZZZZ! He nearly crapped his dacks and so did we. Whatever it was, it was bloody well big and pulling line off his 6000 size reel like nobody's business. His rod was buckled over to snapping point and half buried in the water when the fight stopped, and he said he was snagged. At this point we were speculating a big catfish, a big bass, a shark?... Matt and I kept flicking lures around but it soon became apparent Ryan had been wrapped around a log and was never going to get the fish out himself.

Matt selflessly donned his wetboots and took his gear off and jumped in the cold water. He swam out to where Ryan's line was and followed it down - yep. Wrapped around a log alright. I figured they could manage and took some snaps.







It soon became apparent that my help was needed too so I paddled over. The current was pulling us downstream, which was annoying as hell but we needed to see this fish - we were now thinking it was a lungfish as it had just stopped fighting. At one point Matt followed the line and bumped the animal causing the reel to sing out and him to crap himself and shoot almost vertically out of the water. "#@$% ME IT'S HUGE WHATEVER IT IS!"

It took a good 5-10 minutes but eventually Matt managed to break off the branch of the snag the line was curled around and he brought it to the surface where I untangled the line. Ryan took the opportunity and reeled like crazy as, freed from the snag, he was carried downstream by the current with me close by.. Turned out the fish had moved itself right under the kayak and he soon had it to the surface and he yelled out an almighty "HOLY @$%# WHAT THE @#$% IS THAT?!".. I was drifting right by him and saw it too "GOOD LORD!!" Poor old Matt, who had put in so much good work was left upstream - "come back you bastards".

Ryan had no lipgrips or anything, so he reeled the beast in and I gripped it.. I attempted to extract the hook but I was being tangled in his line and we were getting pushed into snags etc so I just cut the line, and tied the lipgrips to my wrist. We slowly struggled upstream to a spot where we could land the kayaks on some logs. We got together and looked at eachother and just wet ourselves laughing... the fact Ryan had said "fish of the day boys", the fact Matt selflessly jumped in the drink, the fact I lipgripped it and got the hook out eventually... it really felt like we caught it all together, even though it was Ryan's fish.. the bastard.

Without any further ado, here are the photos.











A beautiful Mary River Cod, and by far the biggest fish I have seen caught or had the privilege to be around. It went 90cm or so, but we were just using a 37cm fishrule so accuracy probably wasn't great. To see this fish in the flesh, to undergo such an adventure to take it out was just so special. Matt has wanted to catch a Mary River Cod for years and years but has never even seen one, but even he was stoked with Ryan's catch. We took very quick photos - it was probably out of the water for 40 seconds or so total and always had the body supported and we filmed it swimming back to the depths completely unscathed by us.. we just couldn't wipe the grins off our faces and the pub meal we had afterward couldn't have tasted better.

This photo is by far the favourite, and captures all the emotions perfectly..


Reckon we converted Ryan to kayak fishing?
great catch bet the cod would have towed the yak a fair bit, iv not had a chance to go fishing since iv been back from perth yet dieing to get into the bass and perch always wanted to catch a jack as well

i live pretty close to the pine, what yak's are you using?

think ill have to get heavyer gear iv only got 1-3kg and 2-4kg rods with 1000 size reels spooled with 4lbs TDsensor braid these are what i used for black bream, flagtail flathead and tailor(just with heavyer leader) in perth
holy moly!!!! good work!!! stella story, and the photos really made it... I thoroughly enjoyed that!! I was almost as happy as you guys when I saw the fish! hahaha
Awesome story! Fantastic fish too!

I'd love to try out some yak fishing but where i'm living atm kyaks are illegal on the majority of the waterways. No great loss though, i have a nice big boat that i get out in most weekends.
great catch bet the cod would have towed the yak a fair bit, iv not had a chance to go fishing since iv been back from perth yet dieing to get into the bass and perch always wanted to catch a jack as well

i live pretty close to the pine, what yak's are you using?

think ill have to get heavyer gear iv only got 1-3kg and 2-4kg rods with 1000 size reels spooled with 4lbs TDsensor braid these are what i used for black bream, flagtail flathead and tailor(just with heavyer leader) in perth
I use a Viking Nemo but Matt and Ryan were just on Pacers.

My rod I use for bass etc is a 2-4kg with 6lb braid... I only recently bought a heavier outfit with 14lb braid. Both have got 1000 and 2000 sized spools.

Thanks for the kind words guys.

EDIT: Waruikazi why are they illegal?
lol the words .... "thats not a fish this is a fish" come to mind hehehe
ahh cheers phil might just use my 2-4 loomis and get one of my spare twin power spools spooled up with 6lbs braid

Waruikazi, living in the NT you couldent pay me enough to put a yak near water....... the swamp gecko's would gnaw your limbs off
EDIT: Waruikazi why are they illegal?

Yeah as Kenshin said it's to do with the swamp geckos lol. I don't like the idea of crocodiles in the areas where i fish, so i'm adamant that there are no crocs in my river. So when we see one we call it a 'not croc'. We see an awful lot of not crocs too. The creek that i like to fish in on the freshwater side of the East Alligator is the spot where i woman was taken out of a kayak in the 80's. A couple more people have been taken around the same area, so in the interests of covering there own and the tourists backsides the govt' has banned kayaks in the East Alligator.
waruikazi do you ever shore bash on there i read a wicked article in one of the fishing mags of a guy that shorebashes for tarpon and giant herring with soft plastics that would be fantastic they get big up there and go hard, still soooo much on my to catch list stupid perth fishing lol, bass the two perch's and jacks are on my hit list next
waruikazi do you ever shore bash on there i read a wicked article in one of the fishing mags of a guy that shorebashes for tarpon and giant herring with soft plastics that would be fantastic they get big up there and go hard, still soooo much on my to catch list stupid perth fishing lol, bass the two perch's and jacks are on my hit list next

I have done a bit of shore based but not alot hey. Mainly because of all the not crocs, the ones in a billabongs are really hard to see and really big. I have caught tarpon in the past but they are usually pretty small like around 30cm or so. Sometimes you get big ones during the run off or accidentily when targeting toga or baz but nah i never target them hey. And i loath soft plastics. I hate them with an absolute passion.
i prefer hardbodys as well but when its super snaggy or your using ultralite gear and toothy/big fish are around i throw the plastics around i remember a bonito stealing a 20 dollar lure then a 30 dollar one in 20 mins :s
Thats a cracker of a cod, especially from that location..... Lucky you had the camera as I dont think too many people would believe you. Think you gave away enough clues to possibly work out the location. lol
Bummer, I can't think of any clues I gave away? PM me the location you think I was in Barramundi.
I've given up fishing on brisbane's northside - absolutely ****... Just got a new boat however, and am hoping to go out towards moreton and see what's out there....
I've given up fishing on brisbane's northside - absolutely ****... Just got a new boat however, and am hoping to go out towards moreton and see what's out there....

i havent been yet but got told theres heaps of freshwater yak fishing and a fair few good spots around redcliffe/scarbs to fish for bream, flathead, whiteing and smallish trevors might go have a crack somewhere this week
Not bad, i suppose ha ha ha.
Here is a couple of pics my 7 year old son and i got on the weekend, you thought that cod was a monster.
Check these beauties out.
lol what is it? talapia? should have chucked it back out with a 1/0 circle hook through it and see if you could get an upgrade :p
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