Forgot to ask about feeding

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Active Member
May 15, 2010
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SW of WA, God's country
Very new to this game and forgot to ask the dealer how to heat up a pinky for a hatchling.

At the moment I have tried putting it into a ziplock bag and immersing it into water heated to about 38C. This seems to work but is a pain to do and so far she hasn't taken it yet and it is still in the cage in the morning.

The first time I put it in the mircowave for 10 seconds at 50% power but that just cooked it instantly.

Any tips or tricks that people use would be most welcome.
Last time I offered her food she came straight out and tasted the air and sniffed all over it but just would not take it, she seemed very interested but I dont know if there is something about having it in the water that she doesn't like. Last feed was at the dealers 12 days ago. I offered her on day 7 and then again on day 10.

Any advice?
is she in a nice quiet place? try moving her enclosure to somewhere private, leave the pinky outside her hide without bothering her, then leave a towel over her enclosure so she feels nice and secure. heating up the pinky: yup hot water or the microwave, thats as good as it gets.
i just use a ziplock in hot water for 10-15 mins then offer,are you using tongs?or just placing it in the enclosure? if your not using tongs try them they should definitely work pick it up and give it a little wiggle in front of her...welcome to APS..keep us posted
i just put mine in a plastic tub with warm tap water and then put on a lid. usually i turn them about 5-10 minutes in. i take them out of the water, let most of it drip off and then place it in the snakes enclosure.
good luck
i just grab it, fill a jug with hot water (i know its hot when i can't hold my hand under it) and just drop it in, wait 5 mins, refresh the water, wait another 2 and go feed, i wiggle it and she takes it
don't microwave as you it may heat unevenly and even cook parts wich can cause probs for your snake
take it out in advance couple of hours then put it in water to heat it up
Put the pinky in warm water, you don't need to place it in a ziplock bag, i just place mine straight into the water. You usually have to change the water once or twice to insure it's completely defrosted. Don't microwave it, you are not trying to cook the pinky.

Are you tempting the snake at all? I.e shaking the mouse around with your tongs?
I normally put mine in the fridge for about 8 hours before i give it to my snake and then will put it in a bowl under lukewarm running tap water for about 5 mins to warm it up... I don't use a bag just the rat straight into the water as it gives the snake moisture.....
Yes I have always used the tongs but I haven't wiggled it at all, just dropped it infront of her hide and left her alone. I will try to give her more privacy and see if that works but I don't want to hide her away cause she's just too good looking!
You have to move it around, basically impersonate a live mouse with your dead one.
i boil water then put the rat in a zip lock bag and dip it in, my snake takes it instantly
little wiggle in front of her with the tongs and............problem solved !!!!!!!!!!
hot tap water, pat dry with paper towel, wiggle in front or stuff the head into the hide, the snake usually takes it before i even let go..
Put the pinky in warm water, you don't need to place it in a ziplock bag, i just place mine straight into the water. You usually have to change the water once or twice to insure it's completely defrosted. Don't microwave it, you are not trying to cook the pinky.

Are you tempting the snake at all? I.e shaking the mouse around with your tongs?

This is how my partner and i warm our rats up. We usually don't have to tempt our snakes, they're up and ready for the food before we even make it to their enclosures, and they take it as soon as we put it in.

When i first got my atherton, she wouldn't eat for 2 or 3 weeks. I think it was the stress from moving home. Just give him/her some time, once they get hungry enough they will want it. Also try, as others have said, wiggling it around more and even bumping the snake on the nose with the mouse
yeah sometimes i aggitate the snake with the mouse like evozz said bump it on the nose or on another part of its body so that he/she swings around to see what it is and (hopefully) strikes
Thanks for all the responses guys, Sounds like there are some real reptile lovers online here. I'm sure I'll have more questions over time and I'm glad to see people don't mind giving out advice.

Thanks again.
mate feed in a seperate tub and leave the pinkie on top of the tub defrosting in tap hot water. the smell will get her excited, she shld take it straight away
We heat our mice on top of our fish tank lights or dvd player anything that stays resonably warm, we use a small plasctic bowl place them in a bag in the bowl. Once thawed pick them up roll them in your fingers to make sure there is no parts still frozen inside the mouse. To feed our babies we let hte snakes know the mouse is in there put it in front of them, then we to start with left it sitting next to them still and they eventually ate it, now they eagerly take mice from the tongs. Good luck and be patient once she is eating well and settled in properly then worry about building her confidence with you.
Good, Luck,
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